稳定 发展 和谐 海原县海城镇

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海原县海城镇地处海原县老城区近郊,总面积263.5平方公里(其中,耕地面积13.5万亩,历年退耕还林面积1.7万亩),下辖7个行政村,59个自然村,常住农业人口5066户,2.42万人,是一个回族、汉族、东乡族群众杂居的乡镇。2010年全镇完成社会总产值1.5亿元,增长14.5%,实现农民人均纯收入3360元,同比增长14%。近年来,海城镇坚持以科学发展观统揽全局,围绕“稳定、发展、和谐”这个中心,以新农村建设为着力点,以项目建设、农业产业结构调整、基础设施建设为重点,以和谐稳定为保证,抓产业兴经济、建新村树新风、保稳定促发展,力促农业增效、农民增收、农村发展,着力改善民生,全力打造产业大镇、经济强镇、稳定重镇。2010年,海城镇先后荣获自治区环境优美乡镇、中卫市村务公开、民主管理规范化建设示范乡镇、中卫市优秀国家安全小组、中卫市无传销乡镇等多项荣誉。武塬村被命名为全区勤廉为民先进村。在2010年度乡镇目标管理考核 Haicheng County, Haicheng County is located in the suburbs of the Old City of Haiyuan County, with a total area of ​​263.5 square kilometers (of which 135,000 mu of arable land and 17,000 mu of converted farmland to forestry area over the years) and 7 administrative villages, 59 natural villages and permanent agricultural population 5066 households, 2.42 million people, is a Hui, Han, Dongxiang people live in mixed towns. In 2010, the town completed a total social output value of 150 million yuan, an increase of 14.5%, to achieve per capita net income of farmers 3360 yuan, an increase of 14%. In recent years, Haicheng Town has adhered to the overall concept of “scientific development” and focused on the center of “stability, development and harmony”, taking the construction of new countryside as its focal point and focusing on project construction, agricultural industrial restructuring and infrastructure construction, With harmony and stability as the guarantee, we should focus on promoting industries and building a new atmosphere in the new village so as to ensure stability and promote development. We will urge agriculture to increase efficiency, farmers’ incomes and rural development. We will strive to improve people’s well-being, and strive to build an industrial town, a strong economy and a stable center. In 2010, Haicheng town has won a number of honors such as beautiful towns and villages in the autonomous region, open village affairs in Zhongwei city, model towns in the standardization of democratic management, outstanding national security team in Zhongwei city, and non-marketing towns in Zhongwei city. Wuguan village was named the region Qin Lian Min advanced village. In 2010 the township target management assessment
当整座城市都笼罩着烟花的硝烟和鞭炮的轰鸣时,这难道还是节日的喜庆吗? 据消防部门统计,从94年2月9日除夕夜到初五下午4:00,119火警台共受理火灾报警507起,其中301起为燃放
新中国成立以后,第四届和第五届全国人民代表大会先后于1975年、1978年和1982年对1954年制定的宪法进行了三次大规模修改。 After the founding of New China, the Fourth