
来源 :中国卫生 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zyqtc1989
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天津市宝坻县妇幼保健所是一所集妇女、儿童保健、医疗为一体的卫生基层单位。行政管理设有妇保、儿保、宣教等科室;门诊设有妇科、产科、儿科、内科、外科、口腔科、放射科、化验室、B超室、乳透室、激光室和手术室等科室;病房设有床位48张。该所的主要职责是负责全县的妇幼保健工作。过去主要是靠吃“财政饭”过日子,为了弥补经费不足,实行了“以医补保”的做法。近年来,由于防保任务不断加重。人员逐渐增多。加之财政经费补贴不足,其生存 Tianjin Baodi County Maternal and Child Health Center is a collection of women, child health care, health care as one of the grassroots units. There are such departments as gynecology, obstetrics, pediatrics, internal medicine, surgery, stomatology, radiology, laboratory, B-room, breast-permeable room, laser room and operation room etc. Department; ward with 48 beds. The main responsibility of the institute is to take charge of the maternal and child health care work in the county. In the past, it was mainly by eating “fiscal rice” to live in order to make up for the lack of funds and practiced “medical insurance”. In recent years, due to increasing protection tasks. Gradual increase in personnel. Coupled with the lack of financial subsidies, its survival
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国家“两弹一星”功勋奖章获得者中国科学院资深院士中国工程院资深院士王大珩同志,本刊名誉主编 National “two bombs and one satellite” feats medalist Chinese Acade
据调查,截至 2013 年 12 月,中国青少年网民数为 1.4 亿人,可以说青少年已逐渐成为网络主力军。学校德育教师必须直面这一现实,认清网络利弊,引导中学生在“互联网+”时代健康成长。  一、“互联网+”时代的特点  1.网络特征  一是网络的自由性。这种自由性有助于中学生自由表达个人意愿,展示自我才华,但也极容易因上网者本身的素质和修养差异而产生不同的后果。  二是网络的虚拟性。在“互联网+
1、软件名称:石油勘探数据库(KantMIS V1.0) 2、专业类别:数据库设计、开发与应用 3、硬件平台及配置:HP Server 5/100—5/133,PC5175 4、操作系统及版本:Windosw NT 3.51 S
采用改进的Bridgman法生长出了尺寸达 2 5mm× 2 5mm× 5 0mm的透明的、压电性能十分优异的弛豫铁电单晶体Pb(Mg1/ 3 Nb2 / 3 )O3 PbTiO3 ,其为纯钙钛矿相的三方或四方结构