Quantitative assessment of the infection rate of the entomophthoraceous fungus, Zoophthora anhuien

来源 :"Journal of Zhejiang University Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:loongzhou
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A two step method was developed to quantitatively assess the infection rate of the entomophthoraceous fungus, Zoophthora anhuiensis (Li) Humber, on the green peach aphid, %Myzus persicae% (Sulzer). Firstly, a standard time dose mortality relationship, established by modeling data from bioassay 1 at varying conidial dosages (0.4-10.4 conidia/mm 2) of Z. anhuiensis F97028, was used to yield an estimate of expected mortality probability at a given dosage. Secondly, bioassay 2 was conducted by simultaneously exposing six ≤4 day old nymphal colonies to a shower of Z. anhuiensis conidia at each of four dosages (resulting from exposures of 0.3-8.0 min). Subsequently, the colonies were separately immersed in a 0.1% chlorothalonil solution for 0.5 min to disinfect all surviving conidia on the host integument from 1-12 h after exposure under temperature treatments of 15 and 20℃, respectively. The infection rate during a specific period from the end of the exposure to the immersion was then estimated as the ratio of the observed mortality over the expected mortality probability at a particular dosage. The results showed that the infection of M. persicae from Z. anhuiensis was highly rapid with little difference between aphid colonies maintained at 15 and 20℃ before being immersed in the fungicidal solution after exposure. The first 6|hour period after exposure was most crucial to successful infection of the fungus with the infection rate greatly depending on conidial dosages. It took ≤1 h to infect>50% of the aphids at a dosage of >1.5 conida/mm 2 and >90% at >50 conidia/mm 2. A two step method was developed to quantitatively assess the infection rate of the entomophthoraceous fungus, Zoophthora anhuiensis (Li) Humber, on the green peach aphid, % Myzus persicae % (Sulzer). , established by modeling data from bioassay 1 at varying conidial dosages (0.4-10.4 conidia / mm 2) of Z. anhuiensis F97028, was used to yield an estimate of expected mortality probability at a given dosage. exposing six ≤4 day old nymphal colonies to a shower of Z. anhuiensis conidia at each of four dosages (resulting from exposures of 0.3-8.0 min). Previously, the colonies were separately immersed in a 0.1% chlorothalonil solution for 0.5 min to disinfect all surviving conidia on the host integument from 1-12 h after exposure under temperature treatments of 15 and 20 ° C., respectively. The infection rate during a specific period from the end of the exposure to t he immersion was then estimated as the ratio of the observed mortality over the expected mortality probability at a particular dosage. The results showed that the infection of M. persicae from Z. anhuiensis was highly rapid with little difference between aphid colonies maintained at 15 and 20 ℃ before being immersed in the fungicidal solution after exposure. The first 6 | hour period after exposure was most crucial to successful infection of the fungus with the infection rate greatly on conidial dosages. It took ≤1 h to infect> 50% of the aids at a dosage of> 1.5 conida / mm 2 and> 90% at> 50 conidia / mm 2.
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