Permo-Triassic paleogeographic,paleoclimatic and paleoceanographic evolutions in eastern Tethys and

来源 :Science in China(Series D:Earth Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:BFM_99
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Based on reconstructions of paleogeography, paleoclimate and paleoceanography of the Chihsian, Wujiapingian, Anisian and Norian intervals in the eastern Tethys, the multiple intrinsic relationship and interaction among the lithosphere, the hydrosphere and the atmosphere as well as their evolutions are discussed. It was demonstrated that paleogeographic change of the eastern Tethys and the northward shift of the Pangea during the Permo-Triassic periods governed the coeval paleocurrent pattern and its evolution, which in turn seems to be a key contributor forcing the Permo-Triassic megamonsoon to the climax. Based on reconstructions of paleogeography, paleoclimate and paleoceanography of the Chihsian, Wujiapingian, Anisian and Norian intervals in the eastern Tethys, the multiple intrinsic relationship and interaction among the lithosphere, the hydrosphere and the atmosphere as well as their evolutions are. It was It demonstrated that paleogeographic change of the eastern Tethys and the northward shift of the Pangea during the Permo-Triassic periods governed the coeval paleocurrent pattern and its evolution, which in turn seems to be a key contributor forcing the Permo-Triassic megamonsoon to the climax.
By observing, measuring the fluvial sediment grain size of mid-western segment of the Qilianshan Range and studying the correlation between the grain size and u