着眼终身教育 构建开放式人才培养模式——访中央广播电视大学校长葛道凯

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“中央广播电视大学人才培养模式改革和开放教育试点”项目(以下简称“开放教育试点”)是教育部1999年4月决定,同年6月正式启动实施的。在教育部的领导和地方教育行政部门的支持下,中央电大负责设计和组织,全国电大共同实施,同时合作高校和行业部委等相关单位积极配合,几年来,取得了丰硕的成果。总结成绩,剖析经验,我们不难看到:开放教育试点确实促进了电大的改革和发展,其中重要的成果即形成了体现中国远程开放大学特色的人才培养模式、教学模式、管理模式及运行机制,“对我国现代远程教育工程的实施,产生了重大影响”;在构建我国终身教育体系、推进学习型社会的建设中,“三个模式、一个机制”的构建,亦为有益的探索。目前,“中央广播电视大学人才培养模式改革和开放教育试点”项目已进入总结性评估阶段。中央电大总结试点实践经验,综合相关课题研究成果,对开放教育试点人才培养模式等进行了归纳和提炼,在全校开展专题研讨。近日,本刊记者着重就开放教育试点人才培养模式和与之紧密联系的教学模式、管理模式和运行机制等有关问题,对中央广播电视大学校长葛道凯进行了专访。 The pilot project of talent training mode reform and open education of the Central Radio and Television University (hereinafter referred to as “pilot of open education”) was decided by the Ministry of Education in April 1999 and officially launched in June of the same year. With the support of the leaders of the Ministry of Education and local education administrations, the Central Radio and Television University is responsible for the design and organization, the joint implementation of the TVU, and the co-operation between the cooperation universities and industry ministries and other relevant units. Over the past few years, the CPC Central Committee has achieved fruitful results. To summarize the achievements and analyze the experience, we can easily see that the Pilot Program of Open Education did indeed promote the reform and development of TVU. The important result is that it has formed a talent cultivation mode, a teaching mode, a management mode and a running mechanism that reflect the characteristics of China’s Open and Distance Universities. “The implementation of modern distance education project in our country has had a significant impact.” In the construction of our country’s lifelong education system and the promotion of a learning society, the construction of “three modes and one mechanism” is also a useful exploration. At present, the project of “Pilot Program on Talent Cultivation Model Reform and Open Education in the Central Radio and TV University” has entered the stage of summary assessment. The CCTV summarized the pilot practical experience, synthesized the research results of relevant research topics, summarized and refined the training model of pilot education for open education, and conducted special seminars in the school. Recently, our correspondents focused on open education pilot personnel training mode and its close contact with the teaching mode, management mode and operation mechanism and other related issues, the Central Radio and TV University President Ge Daokai conducted an interview.
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