Transient elastography in chronic hepatitis B: An Asian perspective

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tao1624
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Transient elastography (TE) is a new non-invasive tool for assessing liver stiffness, which is correlated with the histologic stage of liver fibrosis. Many studies have reported a good accuracy of TE in predicting signif icant fibrosis and an optimal accuracy in predicting cirrhosis. Furthermore, the potential role of TE in screening the general population has also been proven. TE thus helps physicians to decide treatment strategies, predict prog-nosis, and monitor disease progression in patients with chronic liver disease and to screen the general popula-tion to identify high risk patients with potential liver disease. However, most data on the clinical roles of TE have been gathered in European patients with chronic hepatitis C (CHC), because TE was first developed in France. Accordingly, much data on the usefulness of TE in patients with CHC has accumulated. Recently, however, vigorous efforts have been made to apply TEto patients with chronic hepatitis B (CHB), and TE has also proved to have acceptable accuracy in diagnosing liver fibrosis and cirrhosis in these patients. Thus, we focused on TE in the Asian population with CHB in comparison with the European population with CHC and found that the diagnostic performance and cutoff values were different between the 2 populations possibly as a result of several different confounders between Asian and European populations (the etiology of chronic liver disease, histologic features, major fluctuation in alanine aminotransferase levels, and the prevalence of high body mass index and metabolic syndrome). Therefore, further studies tailored to the Asian population with CHB should be performed before the widespread application of TE in Asian populations with CHB. Many studies have reported a good accuracy of TE in predicting signif icant fibrosis and an optimal accuracy in predicting cirrhosis. The potential role of TE in screening the general population has also been proven. TE has helps physicians to decide treatment strategies, predict prog-nosis, and monitor disease progression in patients with chronic liver disease and to screen the general popula tion to However, most data on the clinical roles of TE have been gathered in European patients with chronic hepatitis C (CHC), because TE was first developed in France. in, patients with CHC has accumulated. Recently, however, vigorous efforts have been made to apply TEto patients with chronic hepatitis B (CHB), and TE has also prov ed to have acceptable accuracy in diagnosing liver fibrosis and cirrhosis in these patients. Thus, we focused on TE in the Asian population with CHB in comparison with the European population with CHC and found that the diagnostic performance and cutoff values ​​were different between the 2 populations possibly as a result of several different confounders between Asian and European populations (the etiology of chronic liver disease, histologic features, major fluctuation in alanine aminotransferase levels, and the prevalence of high body mass index and metabolic syndrome). Therefore, further studies tailored to the Asian population with CHB should be performed before the widespread application of TE in Asian populations with CHB.
《中国教育报》消息 近日,2012~2015年“教育部—中国移动教育捐助计划”启动仪式在京举行,记者从会上获悉,2012~2015年,中国移动将投入5 000万元,继续在中西部贫困地区建设600个爱心图书馆(室)、600间多媒体教室,并通过影子培训和远程培训的方式,培训4.4万名农村中小学校长。  教育部副部长刘利民在讲话中指出,该计划的实施,对于促进中西部中小学校长专业化发展、推动义务教育均衡发
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