Large energy-loss straggling of swift heavy ions in ultra-thin active silicon layers

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gzliuwei2008
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Monte Carlo simulations reveal considerable straggling of energy loss by the same ions with the same energy in fully-depleted silicon-on-insulator (FDSOI) devices with ultra-thin sensitive silicon layers down to 2.5 nm. The absolute straggling of deposited energy decreases with decreasing thickness of the active silicon layer. While the relative straggling increases gradually with decreasing thickness of silicon films and exhibits a sharp rise as the thickness of the silicon film descends below a threshold value of 50 nm, with the dispersion of deposited energy ascending above ±10%. Ion species and energy dependence of the energy-loss straggling are also investigated. For a given beam, the dispersion of deposited energy results in large uncertainty on the actual linear energy transfer (LET) of incident ions, and thus single event effect (SEE) responses, which pose great challenges for traditional error rate prediction methods. Monte Carlo simulations reveal considerable straggling of energy loss by the same ions with the same energy in fully-depleted silicon-on-insulator (FDSOI) devices with ultra-thin sensitive silicon layers down to 2.5 nm. The absolute straggling of deposited energy decreases with降厚 厚度 的 the active silicon layer. While the relative straggling increased gradually with decreasing thickness of silicon films and exhibits a sharp rise as the thickness of the silicon film descends below a threshold value of 50 nm, with the dispersion of deposited energy ascending above ± 10%. Ion species and energy dependence of the energy-loss straggling are also investigated. For a given beam, the dispersion of deposited energy results in large uncertainty on the actual linear energy transfer (LET) of incident ions, and thus single event effect (SEE) responses, which pose great challenges for traditional error rate prediction methods.
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