
来源 :法学探索.贵州省政法管理干部学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:psobb045
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民族法律关系的主体、客体、内容,这是民族法律关系中三个相互关联不可缺少的方面.缺少一个或变更其中任何一个,就不再在是原来意义上的民族法律关系了.民族法律关系的三要素之间,主体是客体的占有者、支配者和行为的实施者,又是民族权利和民族义务的承担者和体现者.因此,没有主体,也就没有客体和内容(即权利义务);没有客体,权利、义务就失去了目标;有了主体、客体、不通过权利、义务进行联接,也不构成民族法律关系,因此,民族法律关系的主体、客体和内容是任何民族法律关系都必备的要素.一 民族法律关系主体民族法律关系主体是指参加民族法律关系享受民族权利、承担民族义务的人.民族法律关系作为人与人之间的社会关系总是要有双方主体参加,只有一方也就构不成关系.民族法律关系是民族权利和民族义务关系,而民族权利和民族义务又是相对应的,各为一方主体承应.享受民族权利的一方主体,即为权利主体,承担义务的一方,即为义务主体.在民族法律关系中权利主体是特定的,而义务主体却是不特定的.根据法律规定,民族法律关系的权利主体只能由下面的几种人承担:一是民族自治地方.根据《宪法》规定,所谓民族自治地方,是指各少数民族自治的自治区、自治州、自治县.这是我党把马列主义民族理论同中国的实际情况相 The subject, object and content of ethnic legal relationship are the three indispensable aspects in the legal relationship of nationality, and the absence or change of any one of them will no longer be the national legal relationship in the original sense. Between the three elements, the subject is the owner of the object, the dominant and the perpetrator of the act, but also the undertaker and embodiment of the national rights and obligations of the nation.Therefore, there is no subject, there is no object and content (ie rights and obligations ); No object, right and obligation lose its goal; with the subject, the object, not through the rights and obligations of the connection, does not constitute a national legal relationship, therefore, the legal subject of the nationality, object and content of any national legal relationship The essential elements of a national legal relationship between the main ethnic legal subjects is to participate in national legal relations to enjoy national rights and assume national obligations of people .National legal relations as the social relations between people always have the main parties to participate , Only one party can not constitute the relationship between ethnic legal relationship is the relationship between national rights and national obligations, and national rights and ethnic obligations Is the counterpart of each party.A party enjoying the rights of the party, namely the rights of the main body, assume the obligation of the party, that is, the obligation of the main body in the legal relationship of ethnic rights is specific, and the main obligations are Unspecified.According to the law, the main body of the rights of ethnic legal relations can only be borne by the following types of people: First, autonomous areas of nationalities According to the Constitution, the so-called autonomous areas refers to autonomous regions and autonomous regions of ethnic minorities, Autonomous prefectures and autonomous counties.This is our party’s Marxist-Leninist theory of ethnic relations with the actual situation in China
<正> 八十年代最后一个春夏之交发生在首都北京的那一场政治风波,早已平息了,但它暴露的许多问题还将引起人们长久地思索。总结过去,面向未来,人们认真思考的一个问题,便是如何使广大人民牢固树立正确的民主观、
<正> 当前我国政治稳定,社会稳定,经济发展。全党和全国人民精神振奋,思想解放,团结一心,建设有中国特色社会主义的事业充满生机和活力。前不久召开的八届全国人大一次会议和八届全国政协一次会议再次表明,随着我国改革开放和现代化建设进入了一个新的阶段,全国上下对加强社会主义民主与法制建设的呼声很高,特别是对加快经济立法、
<正> 作为中国新民主主义革命开端的五四运动,既是一次反对帝国主义的运动,也是一次反对封建主义的运动。在新文化运动中高扬起的民主和科学精神,经过五四运动的洗礼,特别是经过具有初步共产主义思想的革命先驱在马克思主义基础上的改造,已发展成为彻底的不妥协的反对帝国主义和封建主义、争取中国无产阶级和人民大众翻身解放的社会主义和共产主义精神。在新民主主义革命已经取得胜利的今天,我们弘扬五四精神,就是要把自五四以来已经植根于、磅礴于中国大地的社会主义事业继续胜利地推向前进。