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随着现代社会的进步,道德规范的建设越来越受到国人的重视。只要这一问题没有被根本解决,就必定会影响到我国社会的前行。体育课程的开设对整个中学教育有很重大的意义,在体育教学中,不可忽视的是对学生思想品德的教育工作,这对中学教育甚至是社会主义精神文明建设都有不可小觑的推动作用。体育课程的设置不仅仅是关注于学生的智力开展,学生是将精神和身体全部投入其中的教学模式,这就是体育教育和其他学科不同的地方,是体育教育模式最明确的特征。处在中学时期的学生,身体正在快速的生长,内心也正处于面临成熟的发展阶段。因此,在这个时期的思想品德教育就显得尤为重要。学校着力于对学生良好思想品德的建设,体育课也顺应这一理念,将思想品德教育问题作为课程开展的必要前提。 With the progress of modern society, the construction of ethics has drawn more and more attention from the people. As long as this issue has not been fundamentally solved, it will certainly affect the advancement of our society. The opening of physical education curriculum is of great significance to the entire secondary education. In physical education, it can not be ignored that the education of students’ ideological and moral qualities can not be underestimated by the secondary education and even the construction of socialist spiritual civilization . The setting of physical education curriculum is not only concerned with the development of students’ intelligence. Students are the teaching mode in which both the spirit and the body are put into practice. This is where physical education differs from other disciplines and is the clearest feature of physical education. Students in middle school are fast growing and are at a mature stage of development. Therefore, ideological and moral education in this period is particularly important. The school focuses on the construction of good moral character of students, and the physical education curriculum conforms to this idea, taking the ideological and moral education as an essential prerequisite for the curriculum.
该文阐明了校园网站所需要实现的功能,并根据学校的需求设计校园网站的相关栏目,使得校园网站成为学校管理与教学的一个有利的工具。 This article clarifies the functions