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丧失二十年的光阴鸦片战争失败的根本理由是我们的落伍。我们的军器和军队是中古的军队,我们的政府是中古的政府,我们的人民,连士大夫阶级在内,是中古的人民。我们虽拼命抵抗,终归失败,那是自然的,逃不脱的。从民族的历史看,鸦片战争的军事失败还不是民族致命伤。失败以后还不明了失败的理由,那才是民族的致命伤。倘使同治、光绪年间的改革移到道光、咸丰年间,我们的近代化就要比日本早二十年。远东的近代史就要完全变更面目。可惜道光、咸丰年间的人没有领受军事失败的教训,战后与战前完全一样,麻木不仁、妄自尊大。直 Loss of two decades The fundamental reason for the failure of the Opium War is our outdated. Our army and army are the armies of the Middle Ages. Our government is an ancient government. Our people, including the class of husband and children, are middle-aged people. Although we desperately resist and eventually fail, it is natural and can not escape. Judging from the history of the nation, the military failure of the Opium War is not yet a mortal wound for the nation. After the failure is still not clear the reasons for the failure, it is the nation’s fatal injury. If Tongzhi, Guangxu years of reform moved to Daoguang, Xianfeng years, our modernization will be 20 years earlier than Japan. The modern history of the Far East will completely change its face. Unfortunately, people in Daoguang and Xianfeng failed to learn the lessons of military failure. They did exactly the same after the war as they did before the war and were insensitive and arrogant. straight
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