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S.T.Dupont 2006春夏系列,充满艳丽的异国情调。本季灵感源自昔日法国殖民地风情,融合往事回忆,迎合追寻享乐的男士品味。经洗涤处理后的布料,如缎般轻柔,展露陈旧的味道。主导色系灵感来自蓝绿色的礁湖、深海蓝、繁茂浓密的绿色植物、热带水果的橙、红,黄色调,迎合随意悠闲和富有生活品味的唯美主义者。外套精湛的剪裁,背部或手臂部缀以刺花般精致秀丽的刺绣图案,充满洒脱不羁的味道。皮革服装采用涂色、柔软的物料。绣花图案棉纺薄纱、胸前珠绣花饰、花卉印花布,古色古香的条纹图案,以及点缀着热带花卉图案或宽条纹图案的围裙都是为男士度身制造。V 型领、不规则条纹图案和采用纱线突显怀旧复古味道。配饰中以绿松石、珊瑚、虎眼石、孔雀石制作袖口扣、皮带饰扣和小饰物或简朴的项链精巧不凡。 S.T.Dupont’s spring/summer 2006 collection is full of gorgeous exoticism. This season inspired by the French colonial style of the past, blending memories of past events, to meet the taste of men seeking for pleasure. The washed fabric is satin-like and reveals its old taste. The dominant color is inspired by blue-green lagoon, deep blue, luxuriant green plants, orange, red and yellow shades of tropical fruit, which cater to aestheticians who are casual and full of life style. Exquisite tailoring of the jacket, back or arm decorated with delicate floral tattoo embroidery, full of free and easy taste. Leather clothing is painted and soft. Embroidered pattern cotton spinning gauze, chest embroidered floral ornaments, floral prints, antique stripe patterns, and aprons dotted with tropical floral patterns or wide stripe patterns are all tailor-made for men. V-neck, irregular stripe patterns and the use of yarns highlight the nostalgic retro taste. Accessories made of turquoise, coral, tiger’s eye, malachite made cufflinks, belt buckles and trinkets or simple necklace exquisite.
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