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始建于基督纪元的维罗纳位于意大利北部,13世纪至14世纪在斯卡利哲王国统治下曾达到鼎盛,15世纪到18世纪曾属于威尼斯公国的一部分。然而,真正让维罗纳名扬四海为世人所向往的却是莎翁的名著《罗密欧与朱丽叶》。世事沧桑,而人们对于忠贞爱情的向往却千年不改。时至今日,维罗纳仍旧吸引着来自世界各地的朝拜爱情的人们。在维罗纳的官方宣传上,也常常看到“TOPPlace of Wedding”的说法。朱丽叶的家位于维罗纳中心芳草广场旁边的卡佩罗街,是一处不起眼的小院落。走过锈迹斑斑的拱形铁门和幽暗的门廊,走过写满了 Verona, founded in the Christian era, is located in the northern part of Italy. It flourished between the 13th and the 14th centuries under the rule of the Scuarisian Kingdom and was part of the Venetian principality from the 15th to the 18th centuries. However, what really makes Verona aspire to the world is Shakespeare’s famous work “Romeo and Juliet.” The vicissitudes of life, and people’s longing for loyalty and love is not changed for thousands of years. Verona still attracts worshipers from all over the world today. In Verona’s official publicity, often see “TOPPlace of Wedding ” argument. Juliet’s home is located in the center of Verona, Piazza Capello next to the street, is a humble little courtyard. Walked through the rusty arched iron doors and dark porch, walked over filled
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初秋,湖北省长阳土家族自治县榔坪镇乐园村果实累累。73岁的覃祥官家里种植的红薯和玉米都已收获了。眼下,他最关心的就是喂好两口大肥猪,好腌成腊肉让女儿带到县城吃。一般人无论如何也想不到,这个老农就是“中国合作医疗之父”覃祥官。  40年前,身为赤脚医生的覃祥官首创了“农村合作医疗制度”;他的事迹被毛泽东亲笔批示在《人民日报》头版头条报道,他本人4次受到毛泽东接见;他曾被破格提拔为湖北省卫生厅副厅长。
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