从调查走向研究 从知性走向理性

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中央关于改进会议和领导同志活动新闻报道、新闻工作要“贴近实际、贴近生活、贴近群众”等一系列指示的出台,说到底就是要在宣传思想工作中全面贯彻“三个代表”重要思想,壮大主流媒体的实力、提高影响力和竞争力。因此,深度报道就不再是新闻报道中的文体与形式问题,它将成为主流媒体提高影响力和竞争力的一种有效的方法。 本期专题梳理了深度报道的历史,总结了实践经验,探讨了创新思路,以期提供可借鉴的方法。 In the final analysis, the Central Government has promulgated a series of instructions on improving news reports and press coverage of meetings and leading comrades in order to “be practical, close to life and close to the masses.” In the final analysis, it is necessary to fully implement the important thinking of the ’Three Represents, Expand the strength of the mainstream media, improve its influence and competitiveness. Therefore, in-depth coverage is no longer the stylistic and formal aspect of news reporting, and it will become an effective way for mainstream media to enhance its influence and competitiveness. This issue combs the history of in-depth reports, summarizes the practical experience, explores innovative ideas, with a view to provide a reference method.
By combining the microwave propagation theory and the gas breakdown theory, the microwave propagation with the gas breakdown is analyzed theoretically. Particle
Nitrogen plasma passivation(NPP) on(111) germanium(Ge) was studied in terms of the interface trap density,roughness, and interfacial layer thickness using plasm
前些时参加了一个新闻摄影评选活动,作为评委,自然要看遍所有参评的照片。很遗憾,我在选这项赛事的“最佳新闻图片”时投了弃权票。 Some time ago participated in a phot
The effects of V/Ⅲgrowth flux ratio on a-plane GaN films grown on r-plane sapphire substrates with an InGaN interlayer are investigated.The surface morphology,
A tunable infrared plasmonic polarization filter is proposed and investigated in this paper. The filter is based on the sandwich absorption structure which cons