新课程文本解读方法系列讲座(九) 发微抉隐 指陈得失——中国古典文学批评评点法述评

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中国古代文学批评源远流长,在长期的发展过程中形成了独特的具有民族特点的批评理论与批评方法。如知人论世、以意逆志、推源溯流、意象把握,以及像选本、摘句、诗话、文话、词话、曲话等,构成了中国古典文学批评的丰富世界。由于这些批评理论与批评方法是在中国本土的语言环境中产生的,与中国传统的哲学、宗教、历史等人文学科有着密切的联系,根植于中国的传何平,1968年生,江苏海安人。文学博士,现执教于南京师范大学文学院,评论家、独立书评人。从事当代艺术、文化批评和中国现当代文学研究。曾获江苏省优秀硕士、博士论文,紫金山文学奖等。主持、参与省、国家社会科学基金项目多项;在《当代作家评论》、《南方文坛》、《鲁迅研究月刊》、《人文杂志》、《文学评论》等学术期刊发表论文60余篇。曾参与策划多部电视专题片和多场艺术展览。2005年,出版文化批评专著《像李敖一样幽默》。2006年,发起并参与“中国诗歌年度排行榜”、引起广泛反响。 Ancient Chinese literary criticism has a long history and has formed a unique theory of criticism and criticism with national characteristics in the long-term development. Such as intellectuals on the world, with the intention of retrograde, pushing the source, the image to grasp, and like the selection of the script, poetic words, words, words, melodies, etc. constitute the rich Chinese classical literary criticism of the world. Because of these critical theories and critical methods are generated in the local Chinese language environment, and the Chinese traditional philosophy, religion, history and other humanities are closely linked, rooted in China, He Ping, born in 1968, Jiangsu MSC. Doctor of Literature, is currently teaching at the Nanjing Normal University College of Arts, critic, independent book reviewer. Engaged in contemporary art, cultural criticism and modern Chinese literature. Won the Jiangsu province master’s, doctoral thesis, Purple Mountain Literature Award. Presided over and participated in a number of provincial and national social science fund projects; and published over 60 papers in academic journals such as “Contemporary Writer Review”, “Southern Literary World”, “Lun Lun Monthly Bulletin,” “Humanities Magazine” and “Literary Criticism.” Has participated in the planning of many television feature films and many art exhibitions. In 2005, the publication of cultural criticism monograph “as Li Ao humor.” In 2006, initiated and participated in the “Chinese Poetry Annual Ranking ”, aroused widespread repercussions.
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