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金融危机之后,美国和欧洲的一些国家提出重振制造业,回归实体经济成为一种主流思潮,而此前在中国制造业上蛰伏的外资也有回流欧美市场的迹象。那么这一现象会对中国制造业产生怎样的影响?中国制造又该如何重塑全球制造业的龙头地位?创新为王杨万胜:企业要想摆脱困境,首要是提高产品技术含量。没有技术就会受制于人,因此必须以市场需求为导向,以技术创新为动力,加强战略转型。 After the financial crisis, some countries in the United States and Europe proposed to revive the manufacturing industry and return to the real economy as a mainstream trend. However, the foreign investment that has been dormant in the manufacturing industry in China has also shown signs of returning to the European and American markets. So how does this phenomenon affect China’s manufacturing industry? How can China manufacture reshape global manufacturing industry’s leading position? Innovation as the king Yang Wansheng: If enterprises want to get out of their predicament, the most important thing is to improve the technological content of their products. Without technology, it will be controlled by others. Therefore, we must take market demand as guidance and technological innovation as the driving force to strengthen strategic transformation.
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彼得的母亲生病了,患的是一种从未有过的怪病,整天疯疯傻傻地说胡话,各种药物都无济于事。于是,彼得向一位长者请 Peter's mother was sick, suffering from a strange dis
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一天,法国诗人让·彼浩勒正走在巴黎的一条大街上。突然,路边一位正在乞讨的双目失明、衣衫褴褛的老人,引起了他特别的注意。 One day, the French poet Jean-Bethel was o
No,Thank YouAunt:Won’t you havesomething more,Jim?Jim:No,thank you.IAunt:Well,then,Putam foll.some fruitand cakes inYou ean eatyour Poekets.them at home.Jim:No