我因揭发××人乱搞男女关系的问题,却被他人用移花接木的手段,强加到我的头上,做了5年的冤狱。出狱后,我要求回厂工作解决生活来源,厂方不理睬,要我找法院,法院又让我找工厂,使工作问题迟迟得不到解决。另外我还要求法院对我的案子进行复查,多次申诉毫无进展,想请贵刊帮我找一位律师代我申诉,不知行不行,我万般无奈,请给我指一条明路好吗? 云南省昆明市 郭占义
Because I expose the problem of × × people messing around the relationship between men and women, but I was impressed by others means, imposed on my head, made 5 years of miscarriage of justice. After being released from prison, I asked to work back to work to solve the source of life, the factory ignored, asked me to find the court, the court let me find the factory, so that work problems remain unresolved. In addition, I also asked the court to review my case. There have been no progress in my petitions. I would like to ask your magazine to help me find a lawyer to complain on my behalf. I do not know how to do it. I am helpless. Please give me a clear road. Kunming, Yunnan Province, Guo Zhanyi