南京市江浦县珠江镇农民丁跃生创办的大型民营水生花卉园——“江浦县艺莲苑”,通过十几年的潜心研究和科技创新,取得了显著的经济效益和社会效益。其产品睡莲、碗莲种子已打入国际市场。 丁跃生是一个肯钻研、能吃苦、在困难面前不甘屈服的硬汉,1984年他读了王其超先生发表的有关碗莲的文章,便产生了种碗莲的强烈愿望。通过王先生购来100粒种子,于1985年春天开始种植碗莲。
Nanjing Jiangpu Pearl River town farmer Ding Yuesheng founded large-scale private aquatic flower garden - “Art Lotus Court, Jiangpu County,” through more than 10 years of painstaking research and technological innovation, and achieved significant economic and social benefits. Its products water lily, bowl lotus seeds have entered the international market. Ding Yuesheng is a tough guy willing to study hard, hardworking and unwilling to surrender to difficulties. In 1984, when he read the article published by Mr. Wang Qichao about bowl of lotus, he had a strong desire to plant the bowl of lotus. Mr. Wang bought 100 seeds and started planting bowl lotus in the spring of 1985.