A brief analysis on illustration application in the advertising design of modern commercial poster

来源 :校园英语·下旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chrong
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  【Abstract】In this paper, through the illustration of the illustration in the form of modern commercial poster advertising, a simple analysis of the illustration of a variety of applications in modern commercial poster advertising.
  【Key words】illustration; advertising design of commercial poster; application
  I. The characteristics of the era of modern commercial poster advertising design
  “The placard is a symbol of human wisdom and culture.” Just like the design master, Fu Tian, said, with the gradual improvement of human civilization and the ever-increasing scientific level of the modern era, design works in different periods have determined the existence and performance of poster advertisements. It also retains certain historical features. Commercial poster advertisements have also adopted new technical means, and the design language has blurred the country’s points. Design and creation have become more integrated.
  II. Current status of application of modern illustrators in modern commercial poster design
  With the development of modern production technology and the speed of information update, the dissemination of design works has also overcome various limitations in the past. The flexible use of digital media has greatly enhanced the degree of freedom of designers. Designers are also willing to boldly experiment with the combination of various technologies and different forms of performance and are no longer limited to traditional manual drawing. At the same time, various countries have also formed their own distinctive forms and styles under this trend. The illustration art in our country started late. Compared with the gap, the illustrations in the poster design are still imitated. The design works with national characteristics have not yet formed scale.
  III. Illustrator’s innovative application in modern commercial poster advertising design
  Today?s illustrations in commercial poster advertisements are in a variety of forms, from traditional hand-drawing to fully computer-drawn creations. This not only reflects the advancement of technology, but also the deepening of designers’ understanding of artistic innovation.
  1. Aspects of photography
  Photographic illustration is a way for a designer to create a contradictory and novel artistic expression by synthesizing photos or illustrator-assisted illustrations. It can give viewers more room for imagination and preserve the authenticity of photos. The flexibility of the illustrations, this new combination of virtual and actual information not only adds to the interestingness of the screen, but also achieves the purpose of attracting the attention of the audience. This visual stimulus precisely meets the nature of commercial poster advertising and is therefore used in the design of contemporary posters. It is a common occurrence in creation.   2. Digital Aspects
  Digital illustration originates from traditional hand-painting, and its application in poster design today is much higher than that of traditional painting. Today’s digital illustrations can not only meet the detailed requirements of color and texture in traditional paintings, but also use pressure-sensitive drawing boards to imitate the appearance of hand-painted strokes and various textures. The vector illustration makes the design work no longer subject to size constraints, resolution and output size is more controllable, and the replicating nature of digital illustrations highlights the computer’s inherent advantages.Compared with the traditional form of expression, digital illustration is an emerging expression language and it is indispensable to use digital technology to create.
  3. The combination of multi-element creative forms
  Designers must not only master existing creative tools, such as photography-related technologies, and skilled use of computer software, but also constantly explore new and unknown fields, and maintain the desire for new digital technology to learn. They cannot be single creative forms. Limitations.The use of illustrations in commercial poster advertising is a feature that corresponds to the historical value of poster design. Contemporary design cannot be separated from the participation of digital technology. Illustrator is the application of commercial poster advertising, and it is based on photography and hand-painting. The combination of digital technologies and other forms of integration creates more complex and diverse effects, which not only gives viewers more visual perspective, but also brings more room for imagination.
  IV. Conclusion
  Commercial poster advertising has become a landscape in a fast-paced city. Whether walking through the streets or walking in the subway, these colorful images are an indispensable part of the city.
【摘要】在平时的教学中我认为要提高学生课堂学习效率,就必须要教会学生“倾听”,要在课堂中循序渐进地提升学生的倾听能力。结合教学实际我认为要做到以下几点:培养良好的倾听习惯,创设和谐的倾听氛围,提高自身课堂教学技能,优化课堂评价策略。  【关键词】英语课堂;小学生倾听能力;有效提升  【作者简介】雷金豆( 1980.5.26- ),女,汉族,甘肃人,本科,小学教育一级教师,甘肃省静宁县德顺小学,主要
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【摘要】在新的社会发展阶段,随着网络和数字媒体技术的快速发展及应用,给高校教学带来了新的发展机遇,大学外语教学中也要积极采用网络和数字媒体的技术,推动高等学校英语教学的改革。本文主要分析了当前网络和数字媒体发展下大学外语教学改革的意义,并探讨了当前发展的问题及策略。  【关键词】网络;数字媒体;大学外语;教学方法;改革  【作者简介】黄木健(1968.09-),男,广西象州人,广西科技师范学院,在
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