Exceptional terrestrial warmth around 4200-2800 years ago in Northwest China

来源 :科学通报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:changkou
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One of the Holocene abrupt events around 4200 years ago,lasting for ~ 200 years,is thought to have caused cultural disruptions,yet terrestrial climatic status right after the cold/dry event remains poorly defined and is often presumed that a generally cool condition prevailed during the Bronze Age (~4000-2200 years ago).Here we report an alkenone-based summer temperature record over the past ~ 12,000 years,in addition to two updated alkenone records,from Northwest China,providing new insights into the climatic status right after the event.Our results indicate that exceptional terrestrial warmth,up to ~ 6 ℃,occurred around 4200-2800 years ago during the Bronze Age,superimposed on the long-term Holocene cooling trend.The exceptional warmth in Northwest China,together with other cli-mate anomalies elsewhere,suggests an unusual large-scale climatic reorganization at 4200-2800 years ago when solar activity remained high,with important implications to the climate background for cul-tural developments during the Bronze Age.
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