
来源 :解放军医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:doto
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Minimally invasive treatment of liver cancer plays a very important role in clinical practice in China, because most patients had the background of hepatitis or cirrhosis and were prone to recurrence after radical resection of the tumor. In the past four decades, much progress has been made in controlling liver cancer, which is well consistent with the trends of minimally invasive treatment. Minimally invasive therapy is also the main goals of our practice and has a great potential developing future, although a good outcome is the prerequisite. Nowadays, minimally invasive treatment for liver cancer includes percutaneous transarterial chemotherapy or embolization (TAE or TACE), percutaneous ethand injection (PEI), and ablation with radiofrequency, micromave, cryosurgery or high intensity focused ultrasound. Minimally invasive treatment of liver cancer plays a very important role in clinical practice in China, because most patients had the background of hepatitis or cirrhosis and were prone to recurrence after radical resection of the tumor. In the past four decades, much progress has been made in controlling liver cancer, which is well consistent with the trends of minimally invasive treatment. Minimally invasive therapy is also the main goals of our practice and has a great potential developing future, although a good outcome is the prerequisite. Nowadays, minimally invasive treatment for liver cancer includes percutaneous transarterial chemotherapy or embolization (TAE or TACE), percutaneous ethand injection (PEI), and ablation with radiofrequency, micromave, cryosurgery or high intensity focused ultrasound.
热性惊厥(Fc)多发生在5岁以下小儿,我院儿科用小剂量安定对热性惊厥进行预防治疗,取得了较好的疗效,现报道如下。1 对象方法1.1 对象 均为我院1996年~1999年住院的热性惊厥病
The electrical conductivities of the dunite from the Qinghai-Xizang (Tibetan) Plateau were measured with the impedance spectra method at 1.0-4.0 GPa and 643-109
微风摇曳,吹过淡淡的荷香,这是初夏的味道。七月流水,整个学校却又都充斥着离别的味道。七月,我们一起走过…… Breeze swaying, blowing a touch of Dutch incense, which
一、超声波流量计 随着工业技术的飞速发展以及对节省能源的日趋重视,超声波流量计在近十几年内得到了迅速的发展和应用。 1.超声波流量计的特点和用途 超声波流量计和传统
秋季腹泻为小儿病毒性肠炎 ,以多发生于秋季而名之。一般为轮状病毒感染所致。发病年龄以 6个月~ 2岁的婴幼儿为多见。初发病时常先有上呼吸道症状 ,继而腹泻。起病急 ,发病快