My Hobby

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  I have many hobbies such as drawing,handwriting,playing the guitar,playing basketball,playing table tennis.
  I like playing basketball best. My father is good at playing basketball. Every Saturday I play basketball with him in the gym(在体育馆里面) for two hours. I can do many things in basketball,such as running jump shot(三步上篮),shoot at the basket(投篮). I want to be a basketball player in the future. I want to play basketball like Stephen Curry.
  Finally,I want to say we need hobbies. They can give us happiness.
  (指導老师:费 红)
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I have many hobbies,such as listening to music,skating and reading. But listening to music is my favorite hobby because it can make me feel relaxed. When I am tired,I listen to some soft music. My fav
I have an animal friend. It is a black and white cat. It comes from a pet shop. Its English name is Daisy. It’s cute.  It has white ears,a round face and big eyes. At night,its eyes will be green. And
同学们,我们生活中难免会遇到挫折和不顺心的事,但最后我们总能坚强地挺过来,这都是希望的功劳。当我们陷入困境时,请一定要坚定自己的信念,寻找希望,寻找我们心中的那一抹光芒。  Here I go  Here I go  Feel better now  Feel better now  Here I go  Here I go  It’s better now  Feel better now  D