Fluorescence lifetime imaging of fluorescent proteins as an effective quantitative tool for noninvas

来源 :JournalofInnovativeOpticalHealthSciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wzgl2005
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Fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIM) is an effective noninvasive bioanalytical tool based on measuring fluorescent lifetime of fluorophores. A growing number of FLIM studies utilizes genetically engineered fluorescent proteins targeted to specific subcellular structures to probe local molecular environment, which opens new directions in cell science. This paper highlights the unconventional applications of FLIM for studies of molecular processes in diverse organelles of live cultured cells.
Monte-Carlo simulation was used to study photon distribution in brain tissue, look ahead distance (LAD) empirical formula and theoretical model of near-infrared (NIR) neurosurgical manipulation microwound probe were obtained from the light distribution si
A psychophysical experiment is carried out to evaluate the color difference between pairs of color digital images and their modulated versions, which are displayed on a professional liquid crystal display (LCD) monitor, using the category judgment method.
根据球形粒子的Mie散射理论和平行平面大气中的辐射传输理论分析了作用于水云粒子的太阳辐射压力。结果表明,一般情况下当云滴半径不大于10 μm时,太阳辐射压力可达云滴重力的百分之几;云滴半径在0.3 μm附近时,太阳辐射压力达到极大值,约为云滴重力的百分之几十。因此在云物理研究中应考虑作用于云粒子的太阳辐射压力。
Optical microscopy of biological tissues at the 1700 nm window has enabled deeper penetration, due to the combined advantage of relatively small water absorption and tissue scattering at this wavelength. Compared with excitation at other wavelengths, su
Propagation of a few-cycle laser pulses in a dense V-type three-level atomic medium is investigated based on full-wave Maxwell-Bloch equations by taking the near dipole-dipole (NDD) interaction into account. We find that the ratio, \gamma, of the transit
用蒸发溶液法从磷酸溶液中生长出14种KNd0.9Ln0.1P4O12晶体(其中Ln=La、Ce、Pr、Sm、Eu、Gd、Tb、Dy、Ho、Er、Tm、Yb、Lu或Y)。测定了它们的晶体结构、红外光谱、吸收光谱、荧光光谱和荧光寿命,计算了晶格常数,观察到掺入Ln3 后对KNdP4O12晶体的影响。