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中小企业到底如何生存和发展?难道他们只能做销售,不能做营销策划?做营销策划就一定要靠高新技术的引进?难道营销策划只是大企业的专利?中小企业真的做不起营销吗?企业越小越应该注重营销,而不是销售。中小企业只有做营销,才能活得更好、更长久。大部分行业的市场结构是金字塔型的。即:产品越低档,市场规模就越大;越高档,市场规模就越小。如果大家认同这种结构的存在,紧接着就可以得到这样的结论“大企业做大市场,小企业做小市潮。原因很简单,大企业由于规模大,可以大幅度降低其单位固定成本,也可以在一定程度上降低其单位变动成本,由此就获得总成本领先的优势。而中小企业, SMEs in the end how to survive and develop? Do they can only do sales, can not do marketing planning? To do marketing planning must rely on the introduction of high-tech? Do marketing planning is just a big enterprise patents? SMEs really can not afford marketing? The smaller companies should focus on marketing, rather than sales. SMEs only marketing, to live better and longer. The market structure in most industries is pyramid-shaped. Namely: the lower the product, the larger the market size; the more upscale, the smaller the market size. If we agree with the existence of such a structure, we can conclude immediately with the conclusion that ”large enterprises make a big market and small enterprises make a small bazaar for the simple reason that large enterprises can significantly reduce their unit fixed costs due to their large scale , But also to a certain extent, reduce the unit cost of change, thus obtaining the total cost of the leading advantage.And SMEs,
【内容摘要】作文教学应该从生活中积累生活素材,引导学生观察体味生活,写出自己的心里话。学生应该从生活中加强自我提炼,提高自我学习能力,积淀作文素养,从生活情境开始小学作文教学。  【关键词】素材 启航  传统作文教学将最富有的作文变成虚假机械的写作训练课。学生的作文自然没有真情流露。怎样开掘学生写作素材的源泉呢?生活是作文的源泉,小学生写作的思想观念都来自于生活。学生会生活,拥有丰富的生活,见识广
We report three heterozygous missense mutations of the skeletal muscle alpha actin gene (ACTA1) in three unrelated cases of congenital fiber type disproportion
为了进一步贯彻党的十六大 精神,推进高校基层政治文明建 设,上海市教育工会组织复旦大 学、华东师范大学、同济大学、应 用技术学院、上海电力学院、上海 理工大学等6所高校
患者男性 ,45岁 ,于 1 999年 6月 2 3日被犬咬伤右侧手、脚、小腿部及眼部等多处。急来我站门诊诊治。经用肥皂水给予清创处理 ,并及时注射精制抗犬病血清。抗狂犬病血清制剂
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