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人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)阳性病人肺部疾病的非损伤性检查方法,包括胸部 X 线检查、动脉血气分析、血氧定量法、简单的肺功能试验、~(67)镓及~(99)锝二乙撑三胺五酯酸(~(99m)TC DTPA)扫描。虽研究结果表明,这些技术不能提供特异性病原学诊断,但其在确定 HIV 阳性病人的肺疾病、估价病情的严重性、监测治疗效果方面具有重要作用。胸部 X 线检查可作为筛选试验。有 HIV 感染症状的人,如 X 线检查有任何异常,均需作进一步检查.5~14%的 AIDS 肺疾病患者 X 线检查正常,其异常变化常无特异性。肺孢子虫肺炎(PCP)最常见的 X 线表现是两侧肺门周围模糊阴影,轻者不明显,易于疏忽,重者呈明显的肺门周围弥散性间质阴影,晚期病例则可在肺底及肺尖看到肺泡实变。这些表现也可见于化脓性细菌、分支杆菌、巨细胞病毒、真菌等所致的感染,还可见于卡波济氏肉瘤和淋巴间质性肺炎。严重的 PCP 病人支气管造影摄片常显示广泛实变。5~ Noninvasive examination of lung diseases in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) positive patients includes chest X-ray, arterial blood gas analysis, oximetry, simple pulmonary function tests, gallium 67, Technetium diethylenetriamine penta-ester acid (~ (99m) TC DTPA) scan. Although the findings suggest that these technologies do not provide specific etiologic diagnosis, they are important in determining lung disease in HIV-positive patients, assessing the severity of the disease, and monitoring the efficacy of the treatment. Chest X-ray examination can be used as a screening test. People with symptoms of HIV infection, such as any abnormalities in X-rays, need to be examined further.5-14% of AIDS patients with lung disease have normal X-rays and are often nonspecific in their abnormalities. Pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP) the most common X-ray findings are blurred shadow around the hilar on both sides, the light is not obvious, easy to neglect, severe manifestations of diffuse interstitial shadow around the hilar, the late cases can be in the lungs Altius and lung apex seen consolidation. These manifestations are also found in infections caused by pyogenic bacteria, mycobacteria, cytomegalovirus, fungi and the like, but also in Kaposi’s sarcoma and interstitial pneumonia of the lymph nodes. Bronchography radiographs of severe PCP patients often show extensive consolidation. 5 ~
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