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石无所言,人有所悟。悟石修身,其乐无穷。石乃天地之骨,与天地同生。一方原石,蕴含人类历史长河。小小雅石,浓缩大自然精华。小石能藏千家画,巨岩可现万卷诗。石上隐藏着天然万物之形,人间万象,种种精美图案,非人能及,均系大自然鬼斧神工所造就,返璞归真,神韵动人。那些精美绝伦的天趣艺石,一石一景观,一石一世界,真是感人心魄的无价之宝。它美在自然,妙在天成,贵在发现,宝在无双。是天工雕塑之瑰宝,大自然造化之杰作。被人誉为“不衰之景,不谢之花,无声之诗,不朽之画”。这种罕贵的地赐珍奇,天赋神韵,无穷魅力,堪称华夏一绝。令人百看不厌,百玩不倦。可谓“千金易得,一石难求”。山因石而雄,水因石而清,洞因石而奇,谷因石而幽,园因石而秀,室因石而雅,人因石而刚。不言之石,超尘脱俗,质朴无华,潜移默化, Stone nothing to say, people have enlightenment. Wu Shi Slim, fun. Stone is the bone of heaven and earth, and heaven and earth. One of the original stone, contains the long history of mankind. Small stone, concentrated essence of nature. Small stone can hold thousands of paintings, rock can be found in all volumes of poetry. Stones hidden in the shape of the natural world, the world Vientiane, all kinds of beautiful patterns, non-human can, are all created by nature gods, back to nature, charm and moving. Those exquisite days Artsy stone, a stone landscape, a stone world, it is breathtaking priceless treasure. It is beautiful in nature, wonderful in heaven, expensive in the discovery, Po in the Warriors. Heavenly Sculpture is a gem, a masterpiece of nature. Was hailed as “not bad scene, thank you flower, silent poem, immortal painting ”. This rare place to give rare, natural charm, endless charm, called a must. One hundred never tired, one hundred play tireless. Described as “daughter easy, hard to find a stone ”. Hill because of stone and male, water due to clear stone, hole due to strange stone, valley because of stone and secluded, the park because of stone and show, room due to stone and elegant, people just because of stone. Stone does not matter, ultra-dust refined, plain and subtle, subtle,
目的 观察右美托咪定联合氟比洛芬酯对老年结直肠癌患者术后谵妄的影响.方法 选取2016年8月-2019年8月苏州市第九人民医院确诊且行手术治疗的老年结直肠癌患者82例,按照随机
因为中华绿荫儿童村 ,村长胡曼莉曾受到李岚清副总理的接见。一时间 ,各种媒体争先恐后聚焦胡和她的儿童村。本刊也曾在 1 994第三期大篇幅地报道过儿童村的“义演风波”。而
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。中国港务(港埠、装卸)公司货物吞吐量前十位排名榜(1996) Please download to view, this article does not support online
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
目的 观察静脉补钙治疗骨质疏松症的临床效果,分析其治疗安全性.方法 选择2017年3月-2018年3月湘阴县人民医院接诊收治的骨质疏松症患者960例为研究对象,依照其补钙方式分为
  在磁赤道面附近,能量在几十keV 左右的各向异性的环电流离子能够激发电磁粒子回旋(EMIC)波.我们采用数值计算方法,综合Global Core 和沿磁力线变化的背景等离子体密度模