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我是台湾的退伍老兵。近年来,多次回祖国大陆探亲,旅途中,深深感受到祖国在共产党领导下的飞速发展,总觉得回家的路一次比一次近。1999年清明前夕,我回乡扫墓。原本计算好从香港进深圳,再回故乡——江西省兴国县梅窖镇,有3天时间足够。谁知,从深圳到江西兴国县仅8个小时到达,而从兴国县城到故乡梅窖的60公里路程却走了整整一天。那次,因洪水暴涨,道路泥泞,最后20公里又因路面高低不平,出租车底盘太低无法前行,结果,我只好坐“摩的”赶回家中。尽管我一路换车,拼命赶路,最终还是没赶上清明节族人的聚餐。家乡那泥泞的公路使我久久难忘。 I am a veteran in Taiwan. In recent years, many times visiting the motherland on the mainland for family visits and traveling, I deeply feel the rapid development of the motherland under the leadership of the communist party and I always feel that the road to my home is near once and again. On the eve of Ching Ming in 1999, I returned home to sweep the grave. Originally calculated from Hong Kong into Shenzhen, and then back home - Jiangxi Province Xingguo plum town, there are three days enough. Who knows, from Xingguo County in Shenzhen to reach only 8 hours, and from Xingguo County to the home town of Plum 60 km away but took a whole day. That time, due to soaring floods, muddy roads, the last 20 kilometers due to rough terrain, the taxi chassis too low can not move forward, as a result, I had to sit “Mount ” and rushed home. Although I switched all the way, desperately hurrying to the final did not catch up with the Ching Ming Festival ethnic dinner. The muddy road at home made me a long time memorable.
现行司法鉴定制度存在的问题 2005年,全国人大常委会作出了《关于司法鉴定管理问题的决定》(以下简称《决定》),取消了人民法院从事司法鉴定的职能,规定了公安机关和检察机
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欧洲国家: 《苏联档案》,双月刊,原苏联档案管理总局主办,1966年创刊,俄文版,1991年停刊。 《档案员》,季刊,德国档案工作者协会主办,1958年创刊,德文版。 《档案杂志》,年
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