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一家民营企业需要招聘一位外贸业务助理,广告后很快地收到了许多求职者的求职简历,企业领导通过几次讨论,最后决定请其中两名都毕业于名牌大学的毕业生来面试。 先进入试场的A先生,文静中带点腼腆,招聘者对他的自我介绍较满意,就给他一张表格请他填写。在“月薪期望”一览里,A先生没有马上写,经过思考后,他认真地填写了“2000元”,招聘者看后,也没说什么,就请他回去等消息。A先生很有礼貌的和每位招聘者握手后就离开了。轮到B先生进试场了, A privately-run company needs to recruit a foreign trade business assistant. After the advertisement, many job seekers’ job hunting resumes were received. Several discussions were held by business leaders and the final decision was to invite two of the graduates who graduated from prestigious universities to interview. Mr. A first into the test site, a little quiet in the quiet, recruiters more satisfied with his self-introduction, give him a form to ask him to fill in. In the “monthly salary expectations” list, Mr. A did not immediately write, after thinking, he conscientiously fill in the “2000 yuan”, the recruiter looked after, did not say anything, asked him to go back and other news. Mr. A is very polite and leaves every recruiter’s handshake. Mr. B turn into the trial,
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目的研究培养家兔角膜内皮细胞 ,为实验研究提供基础。方法体外培养家兔角膜内皮细胞并做电镜鉴定。结果细胞 3d后开始从组织块边缘生出 ,1周后组织块周围长出细
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八百里凉山舒画卷, 请听画中音乐会! 《凉山瓦几瓦》仿佛为我们展开了一幅当今凉山的新风俗画,使人听到了一支悦耳动听的口弦新曲。集子里的四十多首诗,是诗人二十年间多次
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