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艺术现代性问题是中国学术界的热点问题,但由于一个具有历史意义的节点始终被忽视,致使此问题至今晦暗不明,那就是90年代文艺界发生的日常生活叙事转向。中国现代艺术产生的社会文化语境与西方截然不同,西方现代性是社会和美学二元对立的现代性;而中国现代性具有“整一性”、“参助性”的特征。这使个体的日常人生,长期被建构现代化中国的宏大社会目标所遮蔽,直到九十年代市场经济的全面启动才使日常生活具有了独立的存在内容。这反映在艺术作品中,就是启蒙叙事、救亡叙事、意识形态话语等宏大叙事长期占有主导话语权,直到九十年代才发生了以“新生代”、“都市水墨”为代表的日常生活叙事转向,它标志着中国艺术独立性地位的获得。因此,应对中国艺术现代性进程作出如下判断:正如西方经历了从浪漫主义到后印象主义的百年过渡转型期一样,中国艺术刚刚走过的20世纪百年历程可视为中国艺术现代性的序幕;正如艺术自主是西方艺术现代性的决定因素一样,日常生活叙事崛起所标志的艺术独立性的获得是中国艺术现代性的真正起点。 The issue of artistic modernity is a hot issue in Chinese academic circles. However, as a historic node has always been neglected, the issue has been dull and unclear till now, that is, the narrative turn of daily life that took place in the literary and art circles in the 1990s. The social and cultural contexts generated by Chinese modern art are very different from those in the West. Western modernity is the modernity of dual opposition between society and aesthetics. The modernity of China has the characteristics of “unity” and “supportiveness” . This obscured the daily life of an individual for a long time and was masked by the grand social goal of building a modern China. It was not until the full launch of the market economy in the 1990s that it had an independent presence in daily life. This is reflected in the works of art, which are the grand narratives of enlightenment narration, salvation narration and ideological discourse, which have long held the dominant discourse right. Only in the nineties did the “new generation” and “urban ink and wash” represent The narrative of daily life turns to mark the acquisition of the status of Chinese art independence. Therefore, the process of Chinese art modernization should be judged as follows: Just as the West experienced a century-old transitional transition from romanticism to post-impressionism, the 20th century centenary of the Chinese art has just passed can be regarded as the prelude to the modernity of Chinese art; Just as the autonomy of the arts is the determining factor of the modernity of Western art, the acquisition of the artistic independence marked by the rise of the narration of everyday life is the real starting point for the modernity of Chinese art.
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