
来源 :沈阳故宫博物院院刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zyz118
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2003年,北京故宫博物院院长郑欣淼先生提出了“故宫学”的概念,主张把对故宫及其历史文化的研究整合为一个统一的学科,得到学术界的响应和支持。2005年,沈阳故宫博物院院长武斌先生提出要把沈阳故宫的学术研究纳入到“故宫学”的范畴,认为沈阳故宫的研究如果没有“故宫学”的指导,则没有高度和深度;“故宫学”如果没有包含研究沈阳故宫的内容,则不全面不完整。近年来,沈阳故宫博物院自觉地把关于沈阳故宫的学术研究与“故宫学”相对接,并提出“建设研究型博物院”的主张,在学术研究方面上了一个大台阶,取得了一系列研究成果。近日,沈阳故宫博物院科研部和《沈阳故宫博物院院刊》编辑部的同志以“故宫学”为话题,对沈阳故宫博物院武斌院长作了几次专题访谈,请他结合近年来沈阳故宫博物院学术研究的实际,对“故宫学”的意义以及沈阳故宫在“故宫学”研究中的位置、沈阳故宫博物院在“故宫学”指导下取得的研究成果等问题作以阐述。几次访谈之后,我们将谈话记录整理并予以发表,以期能更好地指导沈阳故宫博物院的科研工作,并为“故宫学”的研究及学科建设贡献自己的力量。 In 2003, Zheng Xinmiao, dean of the Beijing Palace Museum, proposed the concept of “Forbidden City Studies” and advocated that the study of the Forbidden City and its history and culture should be integrated into a unified discipline and be given the academic response and support. In 2005, Mr. Wu Bin, dean of the Shenyang National Palace Museum proposed to include the academic research of the Shenyang Imperial Palace in the category of “Forbidden City Studies.” If the study of the Imperial Palace in Shenyang is not guided by the “Forbidden City Studies,” there is no height Depth; “Forbidden City ” If you do not include the contents of the Shenyang Imperial Palace, it is not fully incomplete. In recent years, the Shenyang Imperial Palace Museum has conscientiously taken the academic research on the Forbidden City of Shenyang in opposition to the “Forbidden City Studies” and put forward the idea of ​​“building a research museum”, which has made a big leap in academic research and achieved A series of research results. Recently, the Shenyang Imperial Palace Museum Research Department and the “Shenyang Imperial Palace Museum,” Editorial Department comrades to “Forbidden City ” as a topic, the Shenyang Imperial Palace Museum Dean Wu Bin made a few special interviews with him in recent years, The significance of academic research in the National Palace Museum, the significance of “the study of the Forbidden City”, and the location of the Shenyang Imperial Palace in the study of the “Forbidden City” and the research achievements made by Shenyang Imperial Palace Museum under the guidance of “the Imperial Palace” To elaborate. After several interviews, we recorded the transcripts and published them in order to better guide the research work of the National Palace Museum in Shenyang and contribute our efforts to the research and discipline construction of the “Forbidden City Studies”.
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