On Individualism of American Culture

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  Abstract:Individualism is the very core of American culture and the main value in America.We can say that individualism has been influencing all the fields of politics,economics and society,even the character of the nation.The self-reliance,Individual freedom,equal competition which are emphasized is different from the concept of individualism in China.
  Individualism is a western concept, and the origin can be traced back to the period of Renaissance and the Protestant Reformation.In the period of immigration and Westward movement,Individualism was intensified.Although over self-centered can bring negative effect,from the whole historical point of view,there is no big social events which violate the stable situation,this is because the concept of commitment has been in the heart of Americans for a long time.My paper here is trying to understand Individualism systematically and deeply,from the origin to the influence,from the negative effect to the means of balancing.At the same time,the paper aims at promoting the understanding and communication between the two cultures,and also to perfect our English study from the contrast and Chinese culture.
  Key words: Individualism;values;American Culture
  【中圖分类号】:G623.31 【文献标识码】:A【文章编号】:1009—9646(2008)07-0000-00
  Individualism lies at the very core of American cultural values.It plays a very important role in the development of American history and it is American’s deepest identity.Americans believe in dignity,indeed the sacredness,of the Individual,anything that would violate their right to think for themselves,judge for themselves,and make their own decision is not only morally wrong,but sacrilegious.Individualism is a western concept,which has its origin in the west and it grows up in the west.Generally speaking,Individualism plays a positive role in the development of America,and it gives America great influence in almost every field of society,politics and economy.Individualism in China has always been a derogatory term for a long time owing to the different cultures.As China entered WTO,our attitude to the western cultures should not be only critical;we should treat all the cultures objectively and justly.
  Ⅱ What is Individualism of American Culture
  1 The origin of Individualism
  Individualism is the philosophy of life preferred by Americans it is the main value in American culture.In all the obligations,the realization of self-value is the most important.Only when people develop healthily and quickly,can the society make real progress.And the final aim of social progress is also to help people develop better and better.
  2 The Renaissance and the Protestant Reformation
  Individualism as a kind of thought can be traced back to the Christianity.Americans believe in God,and God is the only belief.Every small group,every word of single person should take responsibility to the God.At the same time,every person is equal before God.The early responsibility to the God.At the same time,every person is equal before God.The early theory of Christianity reflected of liberation in the spirit of the people who were oppressed and contained inclination of Individualism.For example,Jehovah in the old testant is the protector of poor and kind-hearted people,and e saves poor people and gives poor people happy life.The origin con be traced back to the period of Renaissance and the Protestant Reformation.Renaissance is commonly applied to the movement or period in western civilization, which marks the transition from the medieval to the modern world.Renaissance humanists found in the classics a justification to exalt human nature and came to see that human beings,far from being groveling worms,were glorious creatures capable of individual development in the direction of perfection,and inhabited in a world that not to despise but to interrogate,explore and enjoy.So by emphasizing the dignity of human beings and the importance of the present life, they voiced their beliefs that man did not only have the right to enjoy the beauty of life,but had the ability to perfect himself or herself and to perform wonders.Humanism is the core of Renaissance.Humanism is the idea that man has a potential for culture which distinguishes him from lower orders of beings of beings,and which he should strive constantly to fulfill.The individualism implied in this view of life exerted a strong influence upon the European Renaissance life and literature,as did many other facts and forces,such as the Protestant Reformation,itself in part an aspect of the Renaissance in Germany.In 16th and 17th centuries,an extreme Protestant sect, the puritans determined to ‘purify’ the English Church of all the corruption and ceremonial pomp of the Roman Church of that time.The pilgrim Fathers left Europe to be free to worship in their own way,and escaped from religious persecution in their homeland.They longed for freedom in religious belief so the choice and feeling of individual is very important.They created a climate of freedom where the emphasis was on the individual.Nowadays Americans go to churches provide them a peaceful and quiet place to relax.
  3 The westward movement and the image of cowboy
  Individualism to some extent come into being in the period of Renaissance and the Protestant Reformation,and then it was intensified in the westward movement.The broad space and the differences of each culture in the westward movement provided the opportunity to develop individualism.Individualism had always been in the American culture and it was reinforced in the westward movement.The tough condition of living in the wild,the bad weather and the unexpected disease made the character of them strong,clear,and sometimes heroic.The wild land indeed existed in their world,and it should be conquered. The main relationship of people was competition.Although the mutual help and friendly action still existed,the fierce competition became the mainstream feature,self-reliance in the characteristics lf people was more important.So individualism developed and gradually became the political and social philosophy.With the continue efforts made by the westward immigrants,the railroad continually went to west,the population of the west part increased continually.People were full of confidence to themselves and their future.Through hard working,self-reliance and diligence,they succeeded.The individual spirits such as independence,self-reliance and diligence,they succeeded.The individual spirits such as independence,self-reliance,believing in oneself had been intensified.The most mythic individual hero---the cowboy invented by the Americans can be mentioned as the representative figure in individualism.The cowboy is isolated or antisocial.When we talk about the cowboy,a picture will come into our mind: a man of few words wearing a big hat and riding a horse under the wide open skies of America’s west.He catties a gun to fight off Indians and cattle thieves.At night,he plays guitar beside a lonely campfire.He rides off into the setting sun,a man of lonely independence and complete freedom The cowboy is the central image of American culture,especially the individualism.
  III The reflection of Individualism in American culture
  1 Individual freedom and self-reliance
  The belief of individual freedom is the basic and the most influential belief.If you want to understand Americans,the most important of all is to know their love and honest to individualism.The earliest settlers came to the North American continent to establish colonies,which were free from the controls that existed in European societies.They wanted to escape the controls placed on their lives by kings and governments.When they are children,they are educated to consider themselves as independent individual;everybody takes the charge of living and fate.We can see that Americans got rid of the colonial governing;they claimed the right of governing country is in the hand of people.In the Constitution,the church and right of country was separated,thus the power of church was limited.They also forbade the title of noble in the Constitution.These historical decisions made by Americans have a profound effect on the shaping of the American characters.They created an atmosphere of freedom and democracy round which individual freedom centered.Freedom may be the most valued word in America.The wish and ability to control one’s own fate cannot be interfered by government,church and any other organized authorities.Even little child is given chances to make their own decision.However,in order to get the individual freedom,there is a price to pay for:self-reliance.Americans believe that individuals must learn to rely on themselves or else they will run risk of losing freedom.This means achieving both financial and emotional independence from their parents as early as possible,usually by age of 18.It means that Americans believe they should take care of themselves,solve their own problems and“stand on their own feet”.Americans believe that they must be self-reliant in order to keep their freedom.If they rely too much on the support of their families or the government or any organization,they may not be free to do what they want.It is perhaps one of the most difficult aspects of the American character to understand,but it is profoundly important.
  2 Equality of opportunity and competition
  Equality of opportunity and competition is another cultural value of Americans.They hold faith in it.Just as what is said in the Declaration of Independence:All men are created equal,nobody is more valuable than others from the moment of birth.Everybody has the opportunity of success.Because the title of noble is forbidden in Constitution,there is to no noble in America.Many immigrants chose to leave the ancient Europe,because they knew there is no noble in America,and everybody is equal.The people in lower society can climb the ladder of society through their own efforts.The beliefs of equality of opportunity does not mean everybody should be wholly equal,but they indeed consider that everybody should have the equal opportunity to succeed.A person is born in a poor family;he knows he can improve his condition.However,there is a price to be paid for this equality of opportunity:competition.If much of life is seen as a race,then a person must run in order to succeed;a person must compete with others.If every person has an equal chance to succeed in the United States,then it is every person’ duty to try.Americans match their energy and intelligence against that of their neighbors in a competitive contest for success.People who like to compete and are more successful than others are honored by being called“winners”.On the other hand, those who do not like to compete and are not successful when they try are often dishonored by being called“losers”.This is especially true for American men,and it is becoming more and more true for women.Men and women are equal.They respect and encourage this kind of healthy competition because they have the equal opportunity to win.
  3 The material wealth and hard work
  From the early immigration and the westward movement until now,the material wealth and hard work cannot be separated.Because Americans refuse the system of the hierarchy of Europe,so they must find a standard to value the social status.Then the quality and quantity of individual treasures has become a standard to value the social status and the success.However,it is not materialism.If they only treasure the material wealth,the super position of America in the world cannot be long. Just because they have the religious beliefs,they work for the God,and the second for wealth.Since the starting point is not for wealth,they put all their heart and soul to work better and better.They concentrated on the work when they work,and they enjoy life when they relax.This cannot be separated from the history of America.When they first stepped on the wild land,all the resources were not developed,only through hard work,can the natural resources become material wealth and comfortable.From the historical point of view,hard work is not only necessary but also is compensated.So the material wealth is not only the clear proof of hard working,but also a good of individual ability.They believe that if a person works hard,he is more likely to be fortunate.Hard work and material wealth,which stands for success,are good terms and this also means a better future,is waiting for them.
  IV The Challenge of Individualism in America
  1 The challenge of individualism in life politics
  Historically speaking,individualism played a positive role in the development of western capitalism.In the period of bourgeois revolution,the promotion of individual freedom by individualism was the powerful arms to oppose religious asceticism.Individualism demanded that individual make independent judgment using one’s own wit and not follow the authority.They should bravely bear the duty but not give it to God,society or others.After bourgeois took power,the political system of separation of the three powers,they gradually perfected the market-oriented economy.Individualism and market-oriented economy are consistent,so until now individualism does not lose its energy in the west.Indeed individualism limits the power of government interposing economy and protects the freedom of economy.Individualism has also shaped the character of America,and the spirit of the nation. All these help America develop more quickly.
  But we cannot neglect the negative effect of individualism.The more it develops,the clearer contradiction and difficulty it brings.Many western scholars have warned us of the disadvantage of individualism.Firstly,in the interpersonal relationships,the over promotion of individual freedom of individualism does harm to the public life.It makes people only believe in himself,and at last wholly fall into the loneliness of the heart.As a result of self-centered and strangeness from family and social organization,although on one hand the interest of self is emphasized,on the other hand,other’s interest is also respected and admitted,This kind of respect is only the coldly respect in the sense of law.In reality it must lead to the indifference between people.Secondly,in the field of political life,individualism encourages the pursuit of freedom and equality.The limitation to the government may bring some negative effect,for example,the extreme liberalism.Thirdly,in the fields of social life,owing to taking no notice of the difference of starting point,only caring about the equal right of competition on fair,and neglecting of reality of the wide gap between the rich and the poor,the more sharp problem of social equality can not be got enough attention.
  2 The means to balance the relationship between individualism and its negative effect
  2.1 The commitment
  Although individualism has some negative effect,it is the basic value in America.And we can find that the positive effect it bring is more than the negative effect it brings.So there must be some means to balance.The author of Habits of the Heart Robert.N.Bellah considers that the concept of commitment can remedy the bad influence of individualism.In fact,the concept of commitment in America has existed for a long time.In the early period of immigration,they wanted to build up a common living place in which there was real moral and spiritual life.From the very beginning,the concept of commitment did not lack in American value. In the generation of U.S.A formation,more people showed their care to the country and society.Jefferson advocated building up small constituencies,and the people in every constituency was the manager of public events.They performed power and fulfilled duty.He also propagated that loving neighbors was just like loving oneself,and loving the nation should be more that loving oneself.His thought influenced Americans a lot.In the development of America,the concept of commitment can be shown in many aspects.Robert.N.Bellah explains the concept of commitment in the Habits of the Heart in such words:the commitment gives profit to the all nation;it includes building up the friendship and credence through the set up of the public establishment.Nowadays many Americans do the volunteer work without being paid.They appeal for the problem of environment and human right altogether.This is a best explanation of people having the sense of commitment.
  2.2 The double restrict of laws and morals
  Individualism respects the values,rights and happiness of individualism.To the left it can lead to freedom,equality,human right and humanism.If it develops to the extreme right,it may lead to egoism that happens between people and the nations.The individualism values in micro view are based on the system of democracy and law in macro view.Everybody has the right to maintain and pursuit their own happiness.The system is inward and realized through balancing each member inside.Except the balancing of each other,the double restrict of laws and morals are very important.Laws can guarantee the interest of the popular.There is no mistake to pursue happiness of one’s own,and at the same time;one cannot prevent others to do the same thing.People should be sincere to open their heart,thus the communication will become simple and pleasant.
  V Conclusion
  The unique history of America shaped America’s attachment to individualism.Individualism lies at the very core of American culture.In my paper,firstly an introduction is made to introduce theion topic,and then the origin and denotation of individualism is followed.The origin can be traced back to the Christianity.The religious belief contains the reflection of individualism. In Renaissance,humanism was the slogan,it exalted human beings to strive constantly to fulfill;in the westward movement individualism was intensified. Secondly,the reflection of individualism in America us a picture of American life and customs.Thirdly from the contrast of individualism in the eastern and the western world,we can understand individualism in America deeply.Individualism can have negative effect but commitment and morals can compensate the negative effect.Now we can understand individualism systematically and through the understanding of western values,we can know more about their cultures and thus improve our English study.English as a language grows in its culture.Only when we grasp the background, can we learn English better;only when we can use the language in is context,can we fully understand it.Language and culture cannot be separated.My paper is also trying to promote the communication between the east and the west.Communication is the only way to solve the problem of disagreement.We can develop together in the understanding of each other.
  4 Robert N Bellah,Habits of the Heart;Individualism and Commitment in American Life,London:University of California Press,Ltd,1996,P335
  5 Robert N Bellah,Habits of the Heart;Individualism and Commitment in American Life,London:University of California Press,Ltd,1996,P416
  6 Robert N Bellah,Habits of the Heart;Individualism and Commitment in American Life,London:University of California Press,Ltd,1996,P215
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2012年6月7日,高考语文刚一考完,网站、微博短信里,高考作文题目就开始传播,紧接着是不断地辟谣、更新,再之后就是处处可闻的议论、评说、惊诧、嗟叹……  高考语文作文题目广受大众关注,可能源于两种厚望:一是对社会生活的关注,作文是反映社会生活的窗口,人们通过议论作文题目寄托对社会的厚望;二是对教育教学的关注,作文是语文学科的重要内容,人们通过评说作文题目表达对教育的厚望。  但是,这只是美好的愿
【摘要】CAD/CAE可以形象化地显示设计、分析、优化这一系列过程,使学生将传统的机械设计方法和先进的计算机辅助技术结合起来,培养了学生的学习兴趣,强化了学生的工程意识,拓宽了学生的知识面,提高了学生动手能力和创新意识。本文介绍了CAD/CAE技术在机械专业的课程设计与第二课堂等实践活动中的应用情况。通过与传统的实践教学方法相比较,突出了CAD/CAE技术在实践教学环境中的重要性。   【关键字】
【摘 要】高职高专院校的培养目标和任务是:培养高素质的综合性应用型人才。为了培养高素质、高能力、复合型的营销人才,要求教师必须不断地探索新的教学方法。本文将结合作者自身的教学经验,以《现代推销技术》课程为例,总结和探讨“项目教学法”在本课程教学过程中的运用,重点是“项目教学法”的操作程序,及该教学方法对教师和学生的要求,为在营销专业其他课程中推广“项目教学法”提供借鉴。   【关键词】推销技术;项
【摘 要】言传身教是古今教育家总结出来的最行之有效的教育方式,尤其是美术教学中这种方式体现的尤为突出,它对教育者的理论修养和专业技能提出了更高的要求,这也是美术教师必须遵循的教学原则,美术教师的一言一行、一笔一画,都会对学生产生很大的潜移默化的影响。如果一个美术教师学识广博、品德高尚、谈吐得体,有良好的艺术修养,则对学生有着巨大感召力和吸引力,成为学生的典范。   【关键词】品德;修养 ;情感;方