The Changes of Pattern Reversal Visual Evoked Potentials in Normal Infants

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Purpose: To study pattern reversal visual evoked potential (PVEPs) and determine the developmental character and mature time of visual function in normal infants at different months of age.Methods: PVEPs were recorded from 115 normal infants at 3,6,9,12 moths age. P1 latency for different checks (1°40’, 25’, 6’) was analyzed and compared to those of normal adults. Changes of N15 N2 latency of PVEPs were also exam-ioned.Results: P1 latency for all checks (1°40’, 25’, 6’) was significantly longer at 3 months than at 6 months of age (P<0. 05) > but no significant differences can be seen after 6 months of age for larger (1°40’) and intermediate (25’) checks (P> 0. 05). P1 latency for larger checks (1°40’) reached adult level after 3 months of age, but not for the intermediate check (25’), while P1 latency for small check (6’) presented the character of fluctuation.Conclusion : The visual system continued to develop after birth and appeared a certain regularity. Our results showed that P1 latency for lar Purpose: To study pattern reversal visual evoked potential (PVEPs) and determine the developmental character and mature time of visual function in normal infants at different months of age. Methods: PVEPs were recorded from 115 normal infants at 3,6,9,12 moths P1 latency for all checks (1 ° 40 ’, 25’, 6 ’) was analyzed and compared to those of normal adults. Changes of N15 N2 latency of PVEPs were also examined-ioned. Results: P1 latency for all checks ( 1 ° 40 ’, 25’, 6 ’) was significantly longer at 3 months than at 6 months of age (P <0. 05)> but no significant differences can be seen after 6 months of age for larger (1 ° 40’ P1 latency for larger checks (1 ° 40 ’) reached adult level after 3 months of age, but not for the intermediate check (25’), while P1 latency for small check (6 ’) presented the character of fluctuation.Conclusion: The visual system continued to develop after birth and played a certain regularity. Our resultsrect that P1 latency for lar
目的:建立测定氢溴酸高乌甲素注射液有关物质的高效液相色谱法。方法:色谱柱为SHIMADZU VP-ODS(150mm×4.6mm,5μm),以0.025mol·L-1磷酸二氢钠-甲醇(60∶40,用磷酸调pH至4.0
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【摘要】语文阅读教学中价值观的引导对我们人类的进步和社会的发展具有十分重要的作用。高中语文阅读能力的培养能够提升学生的文学素养,而且在阅读过程中形成的价值观有利于塑造良好的人格。  【关键词】高中语文 阅读教学 价值观教育  【中图分类号】G633.3【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2017)11-0089-02  语文是一门工具性和人文性相统一的学科,语文教学的终极目标是育人,