
来源 :中华魂 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bright_wish
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1958年的一天黄昏,一辆小汽车驶到南京汉中路牌楼巷旧51号门前。中等身材、两鬓霜自的全国人大代表曹靖华下车后,仔细打量了一番院门,确信无疑后,才进了门。他向房主人说明来意,并得到房主人允许后,他进了里屋,从墙脚处掀起一小块地板,小心翼翼地从地板下取出一个已由白变黄的信封,他喜出望外,心情激动,感慨不已……这封带有神秘色彩的信,是曹靖华1948年撤离南京时放在这闭住室地板下面的,这里曾是曹靖华一家当年的住所。这封信为什么深藏又取出?待我慢慢道来。毛泽东在重庆见到曹靖华已故我国著名翻译家、散文家、革命文学前辈曹靖华,解放战争初 One day in 1958 at dusk, a car drove up to the old gate number 51 in the archway of Hanzhong Road in Nanjing. After getting off at a moderate height, Cao Jinghua, a NPC deputy from the National People’s Congress, looked carefully at some of the courtyard doors before he was convinced that he entered the door without any doubt. When he explained his intention to the landlord and got permission from the owner, he entered the back room and set off a small floor from the foot of the wall. He carefully removed a white-yellowed envelope under the floor, and was overjoyed and emotionated Unceremoniously ... This mysterious letter was placed on the floor of this enclosed room by Cao Jinghua when he left Nanjing in 1948, where Cao Jinghua was once a domicile. Why is this letter hidden and removed? Mao Zedong met Cao Jinghua in Chongqing late famous Chinese translator, essayist, predecessor of revolutionary literature Cao Jinghua, the beginning of the war of liberation
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