Asymmetric synthesis of pedamide using I_2-induced heterocyclization to construct the skeleton

来源 :Chinese Chemical Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong480
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An alternative approach to synthesize pedamide,a key building block of pederin was described.Iodine-induced asymmetric heterocyclization was used as the key step to construct the skeleton,a tetrahydropyran ring with three chiral centers.Brown’s asymmetric allylation and Lewis acid-mediated allylation were investigated to introduce chains and chiral alcohols.Sharpless dihydroxylation decorated the side chain.And high optically pure target was obtained by removing the epimers formed in these reactions on column chromatography. An alternative approach to synthesize pedamide, a key building block of pederin was described. Iodine-induced asymmetric heterocyclization was used as the key step to construct the skeleton, a tetrahydropyran ring with three chiral centers. Brown’s asymmetric allylation and Lewis acid-mediated allylation were investigated to introduce chains and chiral alcohols. Sharpless dihydroxylation decorated the side chain. And high optically pure target was obtained by removing the epimers formed in these reactions on column chromatography.
目的:建立反相高效液相色谱法(RP-HPLC)测定卡维地洛片有关物质。方法:采用YMC-Pack Pro C8色谱柱(150 mm×4.6 mm,5μm),以乙腈-0.02 mol·L-1磷酸二氢钾溶液(用磷酸调p H 2
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