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近年来研究证明,胃食管返流与反复发作的肺炎、哮喘及支气管炎、窒息和婴儿猝死综合征都有密切关系,因此胃食管返流问题已被医界重视。胃食管返流(gastroesophageal reflex,GER)是指胃酸和/或胆汁从胃返流入食管,可有生理性或病理性之分。生理性是指反射性下端食管括约肌弛缓而出现的现象, 无病理改变。病理性是指下端食管括约肌制约作用减弱所出现的返流,可有病理改变。生理与病理在正常情况下,食管胃交接部的功能是防止胃内容物返流入食管,是依靠多种因素的联 In recent years, studies have shown that gastroesophageal reflux and recurrent pneumonia, asthma and bronchitis, asphyxia and sudden infant death syndrome are closely related, so gastroesophageal reflux problem has been the medical community attention. Gastroesophageal reflux (gastroesophageal reflex, GER) refers to gastric acid and / or bile reflux from the stomach into the esophagus, there may be physiological or pathological points. Physiological refers to the phenomenon of reflex lower esophageal sphincter relaxation, no pathological changes. Pathological refers to the lower esophageal sphincter restrictive effect of the reduction of reflux, there may be pathological changes. Physiology and pathology Under normal circumstances, the function of the esophageal and gastric junction is to prevent the reflux of gastric contents into the esophagus, which is dependent on multiple factors
1987年,贝宁首都波多诺瓦。42岁的高尔夫球迷马修·勃亚在棉田里干完了一天的农活后,拿着他的几支破球杆和几个旧高尔夫球,来到贝宁空军基地附近的一块空地过球瘾。 In 1987
In this study,acrylic acid(AA) and 4-azidoaniline were used to modify poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)(NIPAAm) in order to fabricate temperature-responsive surface f
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癔病,这个古老的精神病学名词广为人知。几乎所有医学分支中的医师们都自信了解癔病,似乎大家都了解这个名词意味着什么。不幸的是,这种自信未必能经受客观的检验。 Hyster
早就心仪桑塔纳2000,是因为觉得它很大气。内饰没有任何小装饰去破坏那种大气。此外我对后排的座椅非常中意,宽敞而舒适。 Early Santana 2000, because I feel it is very
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