Effects of Fertilization Type on Carbon Storage of Soil and Crops in Mine Wasteland

来源 :Meteorological and Environmental Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:acecar
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Taking a three-year fertilization trial in mine reclamation soil from Shanxi Province,China as an example,the effects of different fertilization treatments on soil carbon storage and carbon fixation by corn were studied in this paper. Four treatments were designed in the experiment,including fertilizer( F),organic manure( M),half organic manure plus half fertilizer( FM) and control( CK). The results showed that fertilization had certain roles in increasing organic carbon storage of mine reclamation soil,and the application of single or combined organic and inorganic fertilizers had the most remarkable influence. Meanwhile,the treatment of single or combined organic and inorganic fertilizers could improve the carbon fixation capacity of corn prominently,and increased soil organic matter input. Thus,the application of organic manure or combined organic and inorganic fertilizer has great contribution to enhancing soil carbon sink and sustainable development of agriculture. However,the combined application of organic and inorganic fertilizer is the best choice for agricultural field based on economic consideration. Taking a three-year fertilization trial in mine reclamation soil from Shanxi Province, China as an example, the effects of different fertilization treatments on soil carbon storage and carbon fixation by corn were studied in this paper. Four treatments were designed in the experiment, including fertilizer (F), organic manure (M), half organic manure plus half fertilizer (FM) and control (CK). The results showed that fertilization had certain roles in increasing organic carbon storage of mine reclamation soil, and the application of single or or combined organic and inorganic fertilizers had the most remarkable influence. Meanwhile, the treatment of single or combined organic and inorganic fertilizers could improve the carbon fixation capacity of corn prominently, and increased soil organic matter input. Thus, the application of organic manure or combined organic and inorganic fertilizer has great contribution to enhancing soil carbon sink and sustainable development of agriculture. However, the com bined application of organic and inorganic fertilizer is the best choice for agricultural field based on economic consideration.
一位好校长,是一位佛陀,点悟思想,开启智慧,率先行之。  我在学校工作已有十八年,是从基层岗位干起的。在教育改革的过程中,我们曾经拼命抓过成绩,把分数当作衡量教学质量的唯一标准;我们也开展过大量的活动,以活动为载体,寓教育于活动之中;我们还曾浅显地把素质教育理解为特长教育……随着社会的发展与进步,人们对教育的认识不断提高,教师知识结构的老化、教学方法的僵化与素质教育之间的矛盾,似乎成为教育发展的瓶
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