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当海淀中西医结合医院被确定为收治非典病人的定点医院时,心血管内科副主任、共产党员王显两次向院党委请战,迈入非典病区。在他的带领下,心内科的医护人员都写了请战书。为了使非典病区的工作能够尽快步入正轨,头两天最忙的时候,王显连续48小时没离开过病区一步,困得难受了就找个地方稍稍靠一靠。当班的医生劝他去专供医务人员休息的宾馆,他却说:“病区条件还需完善,随时可能发生突发事件,我怎能离开呢?”作为病区的主任,王显每天要穿着四层隔离衣,戴着口罩和防护镜,脚登套着两层脚套的雨靴,亲自查看每一位病人的病情,掌握最新的变化情况。为减少同事感染的机会,他总是安排自己多进病房,重病患者需要进行心电监护,他也总是说:“我是搞心血管专业的,我来。”一天中午,一位患者病情突然恶化。正在吃饭的王显放下饭盒,带领医护人员冲进病房,量血压、做心电图、输液、上呼吸机,有条不紊地抢救。患者心跳停止,需立即进行胸 When the Haidian Integrative Medicine Hospital was designated as a designated hospital for the treatment of patients with SARS, Wang Xian, a deputy director of the cardiovascular medicine department and a member of the Communist Party, went to the hospital for party committee two times and entered the SARS ward. Under his leadership, cardiologists medical staff wrote a letter of war. In order to make SARS work as soon as possible into the right track, the first two days of the busiest time, Wang Xian did not leave the ward for 48 hours a step, sleepy uncomfortable to find a place to rely on a little by lean. The doctor on duty advised him to go to a hotel dedicated to medical staff rest, but he said: “Ward conditions need to be improved at any time may be an incident, how can I leave? ” As the ward director, Wang Xian every day To wear a four-layer gown, wearing a mask and goggles, foot board sets of boots with two layers of boots, personally check each patient’s condition, to grasp the latest changes. In order to reduce his chances of getting a colleague, he always arranges himself to go to the ward and seriously ill patients need ECG. He also always says: “I am a cardiovascular professional and I come.” One day at noon Sudden deterioration of the patient’s condition. Wang was eating down the lunch box, led the staff rushed into the ward, the amount of blood pressure, ECG, infusion, ventilator, an orderly rescue. Patients with heartbeat stopped, need to immediately chest
在中国科学院半导体研究所内,我有幸会见了黄昆教授,他虽年逾八旬,曾患帕金森症,身体显得弱,可腰板很直,思维敏捷,温和谦虚的谈吐,老科学家的风度令人起敬。 At the Instit
各位领导、各位嘉宾,同志们: 金秋十月,是收获的季节。我们以欣喜的心情,在这里向大家报喜:我市“三年一中变”第四批市政工程27个项目和北二环高速公路已经全面竣工、通车
谭淑娴有个个的梦想——她想到大海深处支持盾奇妙的海底世界。可见过她的人都觉得安简直就是天方夜谭,因为她重压就会折断。30多年来,她骨折了40多次,承受了常人不能想象的痛苦。但她排除万难,终于实现了自己的梦想——到深海潜水。     ·不治顽症 笑面迎对·   1970年7月,谭淑娴出生在香港九龙一个普通的工人家庭。小淑娴生得面日甜美、五官清秀邻居打趣地说:“小淑娴是个美人胚子,长大后说不定还能够