Registration Cost Performance Analysis of a Hierarchical Mobile Internet Protocol Network

来源 :The Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wuxin0226
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On the basis of introducing principles for hierarchical mobile Internet protocol networks, the registration cost performance in this network model is analyzed in detail. Furthermore, the functional relationship is also established in the paper among registration cost, hierarchical level number and the maximum handover time for gateway foreign agent regional registration. At last, the registration cost of the hierarchical mobile Internet protocol network is compared with that of the traditional mobile Internet protocol. Theoretic analysis and computer simulation results show that the hierarchical level number and the maximum handover times can both affect the registration cost importantly, when suitable values of which are chosen, the hierarchical network can significantly improve the registration performance compared with the traditional mobile IP. On the basis of introducing principles for hierarchical mobile Internet protocol networks, the registration cost performance in this network model is analyzed in detail. At last, the registration cost of the hierarchical mobile Internet protocol network is compared with that of the traditional mobile Internet protocol. Theoretic analysis and computer simulation results show that the hierarchical level number and the maximum handover can both affect the registration cost importantly, when suitable values ​​of which are chosen, the hierarchical network can significantly improve the registration performance compared with the traditional mobile IP.
1 名词解释题 1)中国经济法 2)经济法律关系 3)经济法主体 4)工业企业法 5)租赁经营 6)集体所有制企业 7)乡镇企业法 8)私营企业法 9)合伙企业法 10)个人独资企业法 11)中外
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