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日前,太原市红十字血液中心全体员工认真聆听了市委十七大精神宣讲团各位成员的宣讲,宣讲团内容以中央确定的《党的十七大精神宣讲提纲》和省委拟定的《学习党的十七大精神的体会》为依据,围绕太原新型工业基地和特色文化名城建设实际,认真讲解十七大召开的背景、阐述十七大会议精神和太原市落实科学发展观、构建和谐社会的新举措、新战略,结合宣讲好太原市经济社会又好又快发展的成绩、思路和前景,体现地方特色、凝聚人心、鼓舞干劲。此外,宣讲团成员还收集整理干部群众关心的热点难点问题,有针对性地开展宣讲。针对宣讲内容,中心组多次组织全体员工对中国共产党第十七次全国代表大会会议精神再次进行认真学习、领会。党的十七大是我国改革发展关键阶段召开的一次十分重要的大会,是高举旗帜、坚定信念、指明方向的大会。 Recently, all employees of the Red Cross Blood Center of Taiyuan City listened carefully to the speeches of the members of the 17th National Party Congress’s spiritual propaganda team. The contents of the propaganda group were defined by the Central Party’s “Seventeenth Party Spiritual Presentation Outline” and the “Party Party” drafted by the Provincial Party Committee. Based on the experience of the spirit of the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, based on the reality of Taiyuan’s new industrial base and the construction of a distinctive cultural city, it carefully explained the background of the 17th National Congress, explained the spirit of the 17th National Congress, and implemented the scientific concept of development and building a harmonious society in Taiyuan. The new measures and new strategies, combined with the achievements, ideas and prospects for the sound and rapid development of economy and society in Taiyuan, reflect local characteristics, unite people’s hearts and encourage energy. In addition, the members of the propaganda team also collected hot and difficult issues that the cadres and the masses care about, and conducted targeted propaganda. In response to the content of the preaching, the Central Group organized all employees to seriously study and comprehend the spirit of the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. The 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China is a very important congress held in the key stage of China’s reform and development. It is a congress held up high in the banner, firm in conviction, and direction.
本文从蠕虫感染防治策略的角度概述了人体蠕虫感染免疫效应机制、动物模型和蠕虫疫苗研制的进展。 In this paper, we summarized the mechanism of immune effect of human
山萸肉贮存过久,极易发霉变质。笔者经三年来采用生石灰保存山萸肉的新方法,效果极佳,今介绍如下: 将山萸肉曝晒两、三天,使其充分地干燥。尔后将装药的缸用清水洗涤干净并
应用化学动力学原理对强力抗老液进行加温加速实验,以总黄酮为指标,观察其稳定性,按阿累尼鸟斯法计算处理数据,预测了强力抗老液的有效期为3.6a。 The accelerated heating experime