沉醉其中 乐不思蜀

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稍稍长成,背负行囊,背井离乡,以一个呐喊的身影冲入了自己认定的艺术王国,在那里寻找,追摹,放肆。艺术的国度并不如乡土那般亲和,它让自己感到困惑,迷茫,忽而感觉找到了自己的方向,忽而感觉困顿于荒岛。每日推窗,阳光洒满,海风扑鼻,远处海天无际,帆影浮现,一览无余。这应是绝佳景致,使人乐享安逸,备感惬意。然而所谓少年雄心,眼底浮云,心趣已不在那美景惬意之中,越发感到孤岛一隅,困顿违心,唯登山面海,放声长 Slightly grown, carrying bags, displaced, with a shout figure rushed into the art of their own kingdom, where to find, chasing copy, wanton. The art of the country is not as sweet as the native, it makes myself feel confused, confused, and suddenly found its own direction, and suddenly feel sleepy in the desert island. Push the window every day, the sun is full, the sea breeze smelling, distant sea boundless, Sails appeared, glance. This should be a fantastic view to make people enjoy themselves and comfortably. However, the so-called juvenile ambitions, eyes floating clouds, the fun is no longer in the beauty of the pleasant, more and more feel the corner of the island, trapped in the opposite, only mountaineering sea, long sound
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对多次发生事故的辽阳石油化纤公司 2 1CN2 0 1汽轮机第 4级动叶片双倒T型叶根及其轮缘进行了详细的强度与振动特性计算 (包括常规强度计算及有限元计算 ) ,并进行了安全性校
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