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五四运动是中国近代史上的分水岭,也是我国劳工运动的一个重要转折点,它显示中国工人阶级觉醒的巨大力量,为中国共产党的诞生作好思想上、干部上的准备。中国共产党成立后把建立革命工会作为建党的基本任务,拉开了工会运动政党化的序幕。以孙中山为首的国民党也从早期的革命经历中认识到工人阶级的强大力量,提出了“扶助农工”的政策。20世纪20年代,中国劳工问题基本围绕着国共两党在这个问题上的对立与合作展开,而在初期两党出于各自利益的需要,在对立中寻找到合作的可能,并将这种可能转化为现实。而广州的工人运动和工会运动就是这一过程的缩影,同时,由于其特殊的地理位置、不同的文化传统、近代产业结构,使广州工人运动呈现出与其他各地工人运动的不同之处。 The May 4th Movement, a watershed in the modern history of China, is also an important turning point in the labor movement in our country. It shows the tremendous power of the awakening of the working class in China and is ideologically and cadre preparations for the birth of the Chinese Communist Party. After the founding of the Chinese Communist Party, setting up a revolutionary union as the basic task of establishing the party started the prelude of the party-building in the trade union movement. The Kuomintang headed by Sun Yat-sen also recognized the great power of the working class from the early revolutionary experiences and put forward the policy of “supporting agricultural workers.” In the 1920s, the issue of labor in China revolved around the opposition and cooperation between the KMT and the CPC on this issue. In the early stage, the two parties, in the interests of their own interests, sought the possibility of cooperation in the opposition and put this possibility Translated into reality. However, the workers’ movement and trade union movement in Guangzhou are the epitome of this process. At the same time, the Guangzhou Workers’ Movement shows the differences from the workers’ movements in other parts of the country due to its special geographical location, different cultural traditions and modern industrial structure.
UFO——飞碟,大家都知道。可民居像飞碟,那晓得的就不多了。在什么地方呀?它就是位于我国福建省的永定客家土楼。永定,闽、粤、赣三省交界处的一个小城,被誉为“世界上 UFO
风景是什么?到底是①两绗的树,是绚烂的花,还是人间蕴含着的②美好与温暖?——题记一夜已经很深了,黑蓝色的天幕上一颗颗星星眨巴着眼睛。刚刚上完 What is the scenery? In
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