
来源 :广西水利水电科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a2422431
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由中国水电文协广西分会举办的文学、摄影、美术创作学习班,于1988年12月5日至15日在大新县水电局举行。参加这次学习班的31名学员,来自全区水电系统的各个单位。学习班邀请我区著名作家李竑、摄影艺术家汤庆森等5位专家讲课,并回答了学员们提出的有关问题。学习期间,分会副主席马滨同志就文协今后的工作提出了要求,并希望文协会员应不断地提高思想和艺术修养,创作出能反映水电系统的具有行业特色的文学艺术作品。自治区水电厅文协秘书长黄建贤同志传达了中国水电文协会议的精神,并号召会员积极 The literary, photography, and art creation classes organized by the Guangxi Branch of China Hydro-History Association were held on December 5th to 15th, 1988 in the Daxin County Hydropower Bureau. The 31 trainees who participated in this study class came from all units of the hydropower system in the region. The class invited five experts from the famous writer Li Lan and photography artist Tang Qingsen from our district to give lectures and answered relevant questions raised by the students. During the course of the study, Comrade Ma Bin, Vice Chairman of the club, put forward requirements for the future work of the Association and hoped that the members of the Association would continue to improve their ideological and artistic accomplishments and create literary and artistic works with industrial characteristics reflecting the hydropower system. Huang Jianxian, secretary-general of the Association of Water Resources of the Autonomous Region of the autonomous region, conveyed the spirit of the China Hydro-History Association conference and called for active members.
中建总公司副总经理孟广水在年初召开的总公司直属工程局工作会议上针对当前建筑市场严峻形势提出了十条应变对策。这十条对策是: 一、提高竞争能力,多方开拓市场 今明两年
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1988年11月在成都举行电焊机行业厂长会议,重点研讨电焊机行业的行业工作及规划,现将有关行业工作的相关资料摘登于下: In November 1988, a meeting of the welding machin
由机械电子工业部和物资部赞助,中国机床工具工业协会主办的“第二届中国机床工具博览会(CHIMA′90)”定于1990年3月24日至3月30日在北京中国国际展览中心 The Second Chin