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这期发表了两篇关于小学生的品德与纪律问题的文章。这两篇文章的论点虽还不够全面,但都能指出当前小学生中纪律松弛、品德不良的一些情况,使我们感到:这种情况的存在已严重地影响到全面发展教育方针的贯徹,因而分析这些情况产生的原因,以便提出解决问题的办法,现已刻不容缓。当前小学生纪律松弛、品德不良的原因究竟在那里?大家对这问题的见解还很分歧。如果对这个问题不能得到统一和明确的认识,当然就更谈不到解决。为了使我们的教育实践在这一关键问题上提高一步,本刊拟开展一次有关“当前小学生纪律松弛、品德不良的原因在那里?”的问题的讨论,希望广大教师及教育工作者热烈地参加这一讨论,把各人的看法都提出来。我们认为,虽然一个人的看法很难全面,但只要通过大家的磋商和讨论,真理是不难得到的。 This issue published two articles on the morality and discipline of pupils. Although the arguments of these two articles are not comprehensive enough, they all point to some situations in which elementary school students are disciplined and have poor moral character. This makes us feel that the existence of this situation has seriously affected the implementation of the comprehensive development education policy. Analysing the causes of these situations in order to propose solutions to the problem is now urgently needed. What is the reason for the current slack school discipline and poor moral character of primary school students? There is still a lot of disagreement among people on this issue. If we cannot get a unified and clear understanding of this issue, of course, we will not even be able to resolve it. In order to make our education practice a step forward on this crucial issue, this publication plans to hold a discussion on the question of “What is the reason for the current primary school students’ lax discipline and poor morality?” and hopes that teachers and educators will participate enthusiastically. This discussion puts everyone’s opinions on the table. We believe that although one’s views are difficult to be comprehensive, the truth is not difficult to obtain as long as people’s consultations and discussions are conducted.
matter一词在日常学习中经常碰到,同时它也是高考考查的重点。下面让我们来看一下matter的方方面面: 一、matter作为名词,用“the+单数”形式(仅见于What’s/something/noth
1 .The student reeeived low marks for his eomPositio残as mueh of it 15A .to the PointC .on the PointB .off the PointD .at侃5 Point2 .The man they_had_themaehine
所谓“分隔”即指通过各种手段把原先在一起使用的固定搭配分开,中间插进一些干扰条件,使题干复杂化。 The so-called “separation” refers to the use of fixed and coll