静电式空气净化器:航天出品 蔚蓝之选

来源 :太空探索 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:okhere
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月球和火星表面都悬浮着带静电的微尘,不要小看这些微尘,它们可能威胁探测器性能和航天员的身体健康。据一项对美国阿波罗计划中航天员出舱活动的检查显示,月尘很容易粘附在航天服上,一些航天服因关节和手套口受阻而发生漏气;月尘具有锋利和磨蚀性强的特点,对航天服磨损尤为严重,一套航天服经过3次月面行走就无法再用,航 Suspended electrostatic dust on the surface of both the moon and the moon, do not underestimate the dust, they may threaten the performance of the detector and the astronaut’s health. According to an inspection of spacecraft astronauts in the Apollo program in the United States, moon dust could easily adhere to the space suit and some space suit suffered air leaks due to the obstruction of the joint and glove mouth. The dust on the moon was sharp and abrasive Strong characteristics of the spacesuits wear is particularly serious, a spacesuit after 3 moon surface can not be used to travel, navigation
Matter of interest is the disclosure on intellectual capital(IC)in the era of global“knowledge economy”or global“knowledge society”.The aim of the paper is