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“六十天花椰菜”为上海当地一种耐高温、早熟、质量较佳的品种。唯该品种历年采取大棵搬入温室选留,每在盛花结荚期常为菌核病蔓延侵害,引起大批腐烂死亡,致使种子昂贵。故在不影响品质产量的前提下,研究减少种株腐烂,增加种子收量,是当前一项急待解决的问题。作者针对这一问题,于1961年分别在6月20日、7月20日、9月2 日与12月2日(播冷床内)用大棵所留种子进行播种,在9月2日播种时,附加了一期中棵所留的种子进行播种,其中12月2日播的作为露地留种,以与温室各组进行比较。当幼苗有真叶4—5片时假植一次,7-8片真叶时定植于大田,在见花球形成时,选择符合原品种特性的植株,离根旁切成直径0.6-1尺的土团,待等撒花时定值至温室;作露地留种的只在雨水节(2月中下旬)定植于大田,观察各期播种的情况变化。现将初步观察结果概述于下: “Sixty days cauliflower” is a local Shanghai high temperature, precocious, better quality varieties. Only the species used to move large trees into the greenhouse over the years to choose to stay, often in the Shenghua podding scab disease spread, causing a large number of decay death, resulting in expensive seeds. Therefore, under the premise of not affecting the quality and yield, it is an urgent issue to study how to reduce the decay of seed plants and increase the yield of seeds. In response to this problem, the author sowed the seeds left in large trees on June 20, July 20, September 2 and December 2 (in a cooling-bed) in 1961. On September 2 At the time of sowing, an additional seed of Nakatsu was attached for sowing, of which sowing was carried out as a field on December 2 to be compared with the greenhouse groups. When the seedlings have true leaves 4-5 when the pseudopophytosis, 7-8 true leaves when planted in the field, see the formation of flower balls, select the characteristics of the original varieties of plants, cut from the root to a diameter of 0.6-1 feet Of the soil groups, until the sprinkling set the value of the greenhouse; for the open field to stay species only in the rainy season (mid to late February) colonized in the field, observed the situation of sowing changes. The preliminary observations are summarized below:
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