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森林可能受到多种方式的危害,如乱砍滥伐、火灾、冰雹、风灾、霜冻、干旱、环境污染等,但最严重的危害可能是森林病虫害,每年我国遭受森林病虫危害的林地面积超过上亿亩。造成蓄积量损失约1500万m3。1975年全国植保工作会议确定了“预防为主,综合防治”的方针,为我国森林病虫害防治工作指明了方向。森林病虫综合防治的涵义,就是充分利用病虫和森林生态环境的辨证关系,以预防为主,以营林技术为基础,发展生物群落中不利于病虫而有利于林木健康生长的因素,因地制宜地运用生物、物理、化学等相辅相成的系统措施,防止环境污染,把病虫控制在不成灾的水平,以达到保护环境和促进林木速生丰产的目的。 Forests may be harmed in many ways, such as deforestation, fire, hail, wind disaster, frost, drought, environmental pollution, etc. However, the most serious damage may be forest pests and diseases. Each year, the forest area affected by forest pests and diseases in our country exceeds On the million acres. Resulting in a loss of about 15 million cubic meters of accumulated reserves.1975 The National Program of Planting and Planting Works approved the guideline of “prevention first and comprehensive prevention and control” in 1975, which pointed out the direction for the prevention and control of forest pests and diseases in our country. The comprehensive prevention and control of forest diseases and insect pests means to take full advantage of the dialectical relationship between pests and diseases and the ecological environment of the forest and take the prevention as the dominant factor. Based on the silviculture techniques, the factors that are not conducive to pests and diseases and conducive to the healthy growth of trees are developed. Local conditions apply biological, physical, chemical and other complementary system measures to prevent environmental pollution, pests and diseases at the level of disaster-free, in order to achieve the goal of protecting the environment and promoting fast-growing trees yield.
你说你来自地下,  已远离江湖,  只是一块石头:  你说你来自远古,  已归隐尘土,  只是一个过客。  可你历经了地裂天崩,  几度冰河,  有谁懂得你心中的痛苦?  时间已被凝固,  看那沧海桑田,  留下的是孤独的脚步。  化石,  你是美麗的精灵,  神秘的来客,  你亿万年的等待,  是否为了今天的相聚重逢,  诉说遥远的江湖?  让我拂去你身上的尘土,  温暖你的苍凉孤独;  让我脱
可采用严格检疫、生物防治、营林技术、化学措施及地方建立技术规程等手段来控制灾害。 Measures such as strict quarantine, biological control, silviculture, chemical