
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(心脏病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:awii0813
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Objective and design: The Pro12Ala and the 4a/b polymorphisms of the peroxisome proliferator- activated receptor gamma(PPARγ ) and the endothelial nitric oxide- synthase(eNOS) genes, respectively, have been associated with hypertension in some but not all studies. The purpose of this study was to investigate the association between these polymorphisms and hypertension in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2(DM2). Methods: We determined, by polymerase chain reaction(PCR), the Pro12Ala PPARγ 2 and the eNOS 4a/b gene polymorphisms in a total of 395 patients with diabetes mellitus 2(DM2)(225 men and 170 women) from the LIANCO(Lipid- Analytic- Cologne) study. Hypertension was defined as known or newly diagnosed hypertension according to current national guidelines. Associations were determined using chi- square statistics. The influence of genotype and other parameters on blood pressure was determined by analysis of variance(ANOVA) and multivariate analyses. Results: The genotype frequencies of the Pro12Ala polymorphism were 3% AlaAla, 23% ProAla and 74% ProPro and of the eNOS 4a/b polymorphism 3% a/a, 25% b/a and 72% b/b. There were 65% patients with, and 35% without hypertension. A total of 77% of the patients with hypertension were under pharmacological treatment. The mean systolic and diastolic blood pressure(SBP, DBP)was 148± 22 and 84± 11mmHg in patients with, and 131± 12 and 79± 8mmHg in patients without, hypertension. There was no difference in the occurrence of hypertension among Pro- Ala and AlaAla subjects compared with ProPro subjects(P=0.98). There was also no difference between a- allele carriers and non- carriers of the eNOS polymorphism(P=0.42). There were no differences between men and women in the associations. Analysis of variance did neither identify an influence on systolic or diastolic blood pressure by the presence of the Ala or the a- allele of the respective genotypes nor a significant interaction of the two. Conclusions: In DM2 the Pro12Ala and 4a/b gene polymorphisms of the PPARγ 2 and eNOS genes, respectively, are not associated with systolic or diastolic blood pressure, either in men or in women. Our results in a large cohort fail to confirm reports of recent studies suggesting an association of lower blood pressure in patients with DM2 and carriers of Pro12Ala polymorphism. Objective and design: The Pro12Ala and the 4a / b polymorphisms of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARγ) and the endothelial nitric oxide-synthase (eNOS) genes, respectively, have been associated with hypertension in some but not all studies. The purpose of this study was to investigate the association between these polymorphisms and hypertension in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 (DM2). Methods: We determined, by polymerase chain reaction (PCR), the Pro12Ala PPARγ 2 and the eNOS 4a / b gene polymorphisms in a total of 395 patients with diabetes mellitus 2 (DM2) (225 men and 170 women) from the LIANCO (Lipid-Analytic- Cologne) study. Hypertension was defined as known or newly diagnosed hypertension according to current national guidelines. The influence of genotype and other parameters on blood pressure was determined by analysis of variance (ANOVA) and multivariate analyzes. Results: The genotype freque ncies of the Pro12Ala polymorphism were 3% aA, 23% ProAla and 74% ProPro and of the eNOS 4a / b polymorphisms 3% a / a, 25% b / a and 72% b / b. and 35% without hypertension. A total of 77% of the patients with hypertension were under pharmacological treatment. The mean systolic and diastolic blood pressure (SBP, DBP) was 148 ± 22 and 84 ± 11 mmHg in patients with, and 131 ± 12 and 79 ± 8 mmHg in patients without, hypertension. There was no difference in the occurrence of hypertension among Pro- Ala and AlaAla subjects compared with ProPro subjects (P = 0.98). There was also no difference between a- allele carriers and non-carriers of the eNOS polymorphism (P = 0.42). There were no differences between men and women in the associations. Analysis of variance did neither identify an influence on systolic or diastolic blood pressure by the presence of the Ala or the a-allele of the respective genotypes nor a significant interaction of the two. Conclusions: In DM2 the Pro12 Ala and 4a / b gene polymorphisms of the PPARγ 2 and eNOS genes, respectively, are not associated with systolic or diastolic blood pressure, either in men or in women. Our results in a large cohort fail to confirm reports of recent studies suggesting an association of lower blood pressure in patients with DM2 and carriers of Pro12Ala polymorphism.
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患者,男,35岁,因急性胃肠炎来院治疗。入院查体:精神差,面色黄,体温37.1℃,脉搏82次/min,呼吸20次/min,血压90/60 mm Hg(1 mm Hg=0.133kPa),心肺未见异常,腹软,腹部压痛不明
摘 要:食品安全与人类生命健康息息相关,更是一个全球性课题,世界各国针对食品安全犯罪问题进行了有益的尝试与创新。即使在食品安全制度相对健全的发达国家,食品安全问题也是层出不穷,世界各国都加大了打击力度。通过借鉴他国经验,启示我国应树立食品消费者至上的食品安全法律控制理念,借鉴执行与国际接轨的食品安全规章制度,优化行政执法与刑事司法衔接制度,最终建立起完善的食品安全防控体系。  关键词:食品安全;刑