用毛泽东思想武装起来的人最勇敢最聪明最有首创精神 上海青年职工创造石油发酵脱蜡世界先进技术

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上海科技战线上一批原来不出名的小将,发扬敢想、敢于、敢闯、敢革命的精神,大破资产阶级技术路线,大破洋框框、洋教条,创造成功六十年代世界石油炼制工业的一项新技术——石油发酵脱蜡,办到了资本主义国家花了几十年还没有办到的事情.这一成果再一次有力地证明,毛泽东思想哺育出来的革命青年,最有魄力,最有智慧,最有革命首创精神.这些革命小将创造石油发酵脱蜡新技术的过程,是活学活用毛主席著作的过程.他们把“老三篇”、《实践论》作为行动的指南,反复地学,反复地用,时时事事按毛主席的教导办事.这样,他们就有了坚定的政治方向,彻底的革命精神,严格的科学态度,无穷的创造能力;他们既敢于斗争,又善于实践,战胜一切困难和阻力.毛主席说:“青年是整个社会力量中的一部分最积极最有生气的力量.他们最肯学习,最少保守思想,在社会主义时代尤其是这样.”我们要遵循毛主席的这一教导,注意充分发挥革命小将在科技战线上的先锋作用.我们一定要积极地引导他们活学活用毛主席著作,热情地支持他们的革命首创精神,帮助他们总结经验,使他们在革命斗争中迅速锻炼成长. A group of former little-known young people on the Shanghai science and technology front are promoting the spirit of dare to dare, daring to break through and daring to revolutionize. They have broken through the bourgeois technology line, breaking the Western framework and foreign dogma, and succeeded in creating the world’s oil refining industry in the 1960s A new technology, oil fermentation and dewaxing, did what the capitalist countries have not done for decades, a force that proves once again that the revolutionary young people nurtured by Mao Tse-tung’s thought are the most courageous Wise and most revolutionary pioneer spirit.These young revolutionaries created the new technology of oil fermentation and dewaxing, which is the process of learning and using the Chairman Mao’s works.He took “The Third Piece” and “Theory of Practice” as the guidelines for their actions , Repeatedly learned and used repeatedly and always worked according to Chairman Mao’s teachings, so that they had a firm political direction, a complete revolutionary spirit, a rigorous scientific attitude and an infinite ability to create. They both dared to struggle and Practicing and overcoming all difficulties and resistance, Chairman Mao said: “Youth are the most active and energetic force in some of the social forces who are most willing to learn and at least conservative in their ideas of socialism This is especially true. ”We must follow Chairman Mao’s teachings and pay attention to giving full play to the pioneering role played by revolutionary young people in the scientific and technological front. We must actively guide them to learn to use Chairman Mao’s work and enthusiastically support their revolution Be the first to help them to sum up their experiences and enable them to rapidly develop their growth in the revolutionary struggle.
同志们,同学们,红卫兵战士们: 为了搞好无产阶级文化大革命,你们从全国各地,来到北京,来到我们伟大的领袖毛主席身边。你们辛苦了! Comrades and students, Red Guards sold
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对动词各种时态和语态的考查一直是全国各地中考命题的热点考查内容之一,可以说,离开了动词的时态与语态,英语命题则无法进行。本文拟结合2013年全国部分省市典型中考题中的时态与语态的考点作一归纳,以期对同学们的复习有所帮助。    No.1对各种时态的考查  【知识梳理】  一、一般现在时   1. 一般现在时表示经常性或习惯性的动作或现在存在的状态,常以now, at present以及often,