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随着科学技术的日益进步,感官生理心理学的研究有了新的研究方法和手段,特别是随着控制论、信息论、系统论和分子生物学、微电极技术、脑化学分析等新学科、新技术的出现和发展,使感官生理心理学在近一、二十年来,有了许多新进展。其中一些研究成果表明,在一定条件下感觉不再是客体的直接反映和复写。 1.关于针刺麻醉的研究。我国著名脑科学和神经生理学家张香桐等同志根据临床观察和动物实 With the progress of science and technology, there are new research methods and methods in the research of sensory physiology and psychology. Especially with the new disciplines of cybernetics, information theory, system theory and molecular biology, microelectrode technology, brain chemistry analysis, The emergence and development of new technologies have made many new advances in sensory physiology and psychology in recent one or two decades. Some of the research results show that under certain conditions, feeling is no longer the direct reflection and rewriting of the object. 1. Acupuncture anesthesia research. Our famous brain science and neurophysiologist Zhang Xiang Tong and other comrades based on clinical observation and animal real
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悬臂跨越滑移安装技术为在不具备吊装条件的复杂地形下安装大型钢结构通廊提供了一种新方法。本文介绍了该法的应用及经济效益。 The cantilever skid-sliding installation
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