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主流观点认为,中国传统社会土豪劣绅的土地兼并导致农民失地,大量失地农民导致社会动荡甚至朝代更替。实际上,中国传统社会是一个契约社会,具有人多地少的要素禀赋结构、小农经济下的低积累水平的特征,国家田赋是理解中国传统社会农民失地的一个关键因素。高田赋削弱了小土地所有者特别是自耕农的自生能力,自耕农沦为半自耕农甚至佃农,加剧了佃农之间的竞争,地主可以通过高地租将高田赋转嫁给佃农。因此,高田赋既提高了地租,又加剧了农民失地。基于20世纪20—30年代的省级数据的实证研究,支持了上述理论假说:国家高田赋使佃农比例和半自耕农比例显著提高、自耕农比例显著下降,同时使地租率显著增加;佃农和半自耕农比例提高使地租率显著增加,自耕农比例提高反而显著降低地租率;在同时控制农佃结构和田赋时,两者对地租的作用均有所减小,而且田赋与农佃结构的交互项系数均显著,表明田赋部分地通过影响农佃结构作用于地租。因此,我们看到的高地租实际上是在人多地少要素禀赋下地主向佃农转嫁高田赋的结果,地主和农民的矛盾背后实际上是国家与农民的矛盾。这个发现有助于深化人们对中国传统社会的高地租和乡村社会结构变迁之原因的认识。 The mainstream view is that the merger of land and tycoons in the traditional Chinese society led to the loss of peasants land, and the large number of peasants who lost their land led to social unrest and even dynastic changes. In fact, the traditional Chinese society is a contract society, with a structure characterized by a small number of people and endowments, a low accumulation level under the peasant economy, and the state’s land grafting are a key factor in understanding the peasants’ loss of land in the traditional Chinese society. Takada reduced the viability of small landowners, especially self-employed farmers, reduced their self-employed farmers to semi-self-employed or even tenant farmers, aggravated the competition among tenant farmers, and the landlords could transfer Takada Fu to tenant farmers through high rent. Therefore, Takada Fu not only raised the rent, but also exacerbated the farmers lost ground. Based on the empirical study of provincial data from 1920s to 1930s in the 20th century, the above theoretical hypothesis is supported: State Takada has significantly increased the proportion of tenant farmers and semi-self-employed farmers, significantly reduced the proportion of self-employed farmers, and at the same time increased the rent of tenant and semi-self- The increase in the proportion of land tenure significantly increased the rate of rent increase, but significantly reduced the rate of rent; while controlling the tenant structure and land tax at the same time, both the role of land rent has decreased, and land tax and tenant structure interaction coefficient Significantly, it shows that land tax partly affects land rent by affecting the structure of land and tenants. Therefore, the high rent we see is actually the result of the transfer of Takada Fu to tenant farmers by landlords with less factor endowments. The contradiction between landowners and peasants is actually the contradiction between the state and peasants. This discovery helps deepen people’s understanding of the reasons for the high rent in the traditional Chinese society and the changes in rural social structure.
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