强化管理要效益 深化改革出困境

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洛阳耐火材料厂是我国大型耐火材料企业。1989年,企业面临“五紧一难”的严峻外部环境。我们认为只有一条路,在企业内部下功夫,深化改革,向生产和经营的深度和广度进军,向管理要效益。一、深化内部改革,实行全员风险抵押承包 1989年,我厂首先在科级以上领导干部中实行风险抵押承包,从总厂厂长到副科长分7个档次。抵押金从厂长3000元,到科级300元,逐级递减。规定年终完成或超额完成与市政府签定的实现利润目标,发给一次性奖金。完不成实现利润目标,除全厂年终不发奖金外,利润每降1%,扣风险抵押承包者奖金10%,直到抵押金扣完为止。实践证明,风险抵押承包调动了广大干部、技术人员、管理人员和职工的积极性、创造性。如三分厂,在原材料短缺,面临停产的情况下,他们不等不靠,主动进行技术攻关试验,改进工艺,把十多年来长期积压的废坯废砖,加以科学利用,生产出合格的产品。不仅避免了停产,而且降低成本110.5万元。 Luoyang Refractory Material Factory is a large-scale refractory enterprise in China. In 1989, companies faced a severe external environment of “five hardships and one difficulty”. We believe that there is only one way to work hard within the company, deepen reforms, move into the depth and breadth of production and operations, and benefit from management. 1. Deepening internal reforms and implementing full-scale risk mortgage contracting In 1989, our factory first implemented risk mortgage contracting among leading officials above the branch level, and it was divided into seven grades from the director of the general plant to the deputy chief. Mortgage money from the director of 3,000 yuan, to the section of 300 yuan, progressively decreasing. It is stipulated that the goal of achieving profits signed with the municipal government will be fulfilled or exceeded by the end of the year and a one-time bonus will be issued. To achieve the profit target, except for the end of the year when the whole factory does not issue bonuses, the profits will be reduced by 1% each, and the risk mortgage contractor will receive a bonus of 10% until the pledged gold is deducted. Practice has proved that risk mortgage contracting mobilizes the enthusiasm and creativity of cadres, technicians, managers and employees. For example, in the case of three-factories, where there is a shortage of raw materials and they face production stoppages, they have to wait and see if they can’t rely on it, take the initiative to carry out technical breakthroughs, improve their processes, and use the waste bricks that have been backlogged for more than a decade for a long time to be used scientifically to produce qualified products. The product. Not only did the company stop production, it also reduced costs by 1.10.5 million yuan.
一年一度的湖南省城乡规划学会优秀设计作品获奖评析观摩暨学术讲座会议4月13日在长沙市召开,来自全省各市 The annual Hunan Urban and Rural Planning Institute of outs